by David L. Miner
recently saw George Stephanopoulos interview our Vice President Elect
on ABC's This Week. In that interview, there were a number of
statements and claims by Trump that were challenged, but none so
pointedly as Trump's Tweet from a few days ago where he claimed he
would have won the popular vote if we deducted the millions of
illegal votes that were cast. Stephanopoulos called that claim a lie
and said there is no evidence for that claim.
For the
most part, Pense did a good job during that interview. But Pense
proved once again something I have been saying for more than 20
are better at lying than Republicans are at rebutting those lies.
There is
no excuse for doing a bad job of rebutting a lie. I don't care how
nice you want to be or how gentle you want to be or how diplomatic
you want to be, there is no excuse for doing a bad job of rebutting a
lie. And Stephanopoulos told a lie.
specifically, it was an accurate statement intended to cover up a
lie. And an accurate statement used to cover up a lie becomes part of
that lie.
allow me to explain.
Over the
past 15 years, there have been more and more States that allow the
application for a drivers license without requiring documentation
that the applicant is a U.S. Citizen. And, over the past 10 years,
there have been more and more States that automatically issue voter
registrations with a drivers license. And, over the past five years,
there are more and more states that allow voting without any
identification, or at least without any documentation of U.S.
Citizenship. In many States, if you are on the voter roles, you get
to vote.
every one of those States have laws and procedures in place that make
it impossible to quantify the number of drivers licenses issued with
no documented U.S. Citizenship. And every one of those States who
issue voter registration cards with drivers licenses have laws and
procedures in place to make it impossible to quantify the number of
voter registrations issued with no documented U.S. Citizenship. And
we can add to those quantities the number of illegal aliens who voted
in this last election based on Obama assuring them on national TV
that if they voted they would not be caught.
So we
have an untold number of voter registrations that have possibly been
issued to illegal aliens. And we have a number of surveys and
research projects that document the percentage of illegal aliens who
WOULD vote for Democrats if they COULD vote to be anywhere from 81%
to 91%.
means there are potentially enough illegal aliens who voted in the
last election to equal Trump's claim of “millions.”
So the
claim by Stephanopoulos that “there is no evidence” is absolutely
correct. However, the statement was made to distract Americans from
the FACT that Liberals have intentionally designed the process to
make it impossible to document.
On the
other hand, is the claim of “millions” a reasonable claim?
question must be asked in light of the “estimated 11 million”
illegal aliens in America, which is always the number used whenever
any pundit or politician makes a reference to the number of illegals
in America. Everyone, Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or
Republican, uses the same number.
So let's
look at that claim of 11 million illegal aliens in America so popular
with political pundits.
claim that there are 11 million illegal aliens in America is a
blatant lie, and almost everyone using that number knows it. The only
people who don't know it is a lie are the American people.
Why do I
say it is a lie? I need only ask, where did that number come from?
President Bill Clinton said in a speech in 1995 that there were an
estimated 11 million illegal aliens in America. And everyone has been
using the same “estimate” ever since.
I have
no idea where Clinton got that number, but let's assume the number
was accurate at that time.
Why does
everyone still use that number? I submit it is because they do not
want you to know just how serious the problem of illegal aliens
really is.
think about it.
claimed there were 11 million illegal aliens in America in 1995.
Every federal agency that is charged with knowing these things admits
that there is somewhere between 1 and 1.5 million new illegals coming
to America every year. So do the math.
By the
federal government's own numbers, there is somewhere between 30 and
40 million illegal aliens in America today. And that does not include
the explosion of illegal children who has crossed the border under
Obama's treasonous Executive Orders.
Why is
all this important? Why would the real number of illegals be hidden
by Liberal and Conservative pundits and politicians alike? Liberals
don't want Americans to see how destructive to the political process
their policies have really been. Democrats and Liberals know that the
more illegal aliens we have in America, the more votes for Democrats
and Liberals we will have in elections. And Conservatives don't want
Americans to understand just how destructive to the economy their
inaction on this issue has been. Every survey and research on the
issue shows that 69-81% of illegal aliens receive some sort of
financial benefits from the government, depending on the welfare
program examined.
Elect Trump's claim that there were millions of illegal voters in
this past election is entirely logical. And the claim by
Stephanopoulos that there is no evidence to support that claim is
entirely accurate.
But the
reason his claim is inaccurate is the success of Liberal policies at
intentionally destroying the America that was created almost 250
years ago.
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