
Showing posts from February, 2011

Wisconsin Protest Proves Main Stream Media Bias

There is no longer any doubt the mainstream media (broadcast networks, their cable affiliates, daily newspapers) have become completely mouth pieces for the democratic party and the left. All one has to do is observe the difference in the way the anti-Obama care/TEA party demonstrations last summer were covered in comparison to the way they are covering the current demonstrations in Wisconsin. Recall how TEA partiers and those who went to town meetings and who marched on Washington were characterized. They were called uncivil, accused of being racist or even Nazi's. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck became media pariahs because of their appearances at these rallies. They were accused of just being upset "because a black man was in the White House," and of being selfish and greedy only interested in protecting their wealth. President Obama throughout the protest and as late as last month's tribute to the wounded Congresswoman Giffords called for civility. Notice how the Presi

Obama Ignores Lessons of Iran in his Egypt Policy

When I see what has happened in Egypt in the last few weeks I am concerned that the Obama administration is repeating the mistake of the Carter Administration 30 years ago. In response to what present themselves as several weeks of democratic protest in Iran Carter quickly vacated support for the Shah, with little regard for influencing what would come next. Those who eventually took power were those who were the most organized and oppressive. Now Iran has devolved into a caliphate. I am afraid Egypt is heading down the same road. The Obama administration faltered when discontent arose in Egypt. The Secretary of State announced that the government in Egypt was "stable." For the first two weeks Obama said nothing, he was reactive,waiting to see how the cards were going to fall before making a statement. When it became obvious that Mubarak had lost support of the people and the Army Obama came out and said "Mubarak" must go now. He reacted rather than lead. The future