Memo Reveals the Need to Re-structure American Law Enforcement
It is now evident that some
people working for the Department of Justice and the FBI conspired
to exonerate one Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, of serious
ethical if not illegals acts while at the same time cooperating with
one political party to implicate the other nominee and future
President for at best disgraceful and at worst impeachable offenses.
When you combine the information in the memo with recent revelations
from FBI personnel text messages the intent of the operation seems to
have been to ameliorate the suspicions against and Hillary Clinton,
insuring her win, and to create enough suspicion against Trump that he
would be forced to with draw and his career business and family would
be ruined. Things did not go as planned, and Trump won and shortly
thereafter fired FBI Director James Comey, who then cashed in “the
insurance policy,” which appears to have been a Special Council investigation against Trump. The Special Counsel investigation lead
by Robert Mueller seems to be seeking enough to
discredit Trump to enable the Democrats to recapture the House in
2018 then they can impeach the President. All we need is a few dead
bodies and we will have the making of a great novel and movie series.
Who do you think will play Donald Trump?
Alas, this is not fiction
and it is not Hollywood. It is the real life FBI working to keep one
party in power and to subvert the will of the people. Despite what
the media is saying this is not the first time in history that the
FBI has used gestapo tactics, it is the furthest (that we know
about) that they have ever gone towards determining the
outcome of an election. Is there any doubt that had Mrs. Clinton won
the Presidency we would have never known of this activity, or worse
that the reach and power of the FBI would have continued to grow?
Is there any doubt that had Mrs. Clinton won the Presidency we would have never known of this activity, or worse that the reach and power of the FBI would have continued to grow?
When asked about homosexual marriage or abortion Mrs. Clinton said,
“When I am President Christians will have to change both their
beliefs and practices.” How would she have influenced that change,
through civil persuasion, or through jackbooted police state tactics.
Remember, it was her husband's DOJ that murdered a family in the
mountains of Idaho because they practiced a strange religion. It was
her husband's DOJ who sent an assault force into a religious commune
and killed several people with no probable cause. Remember it was
Bill's DOJ that sent an armed swat team into a private home to to rip
a young man, whose mother had brought him here through no act of his
own, a dreamer, in other words, and returned him to Cuba. The FBI is
not know for the protection of civil liberties
The FBI has a history of
abusing civil liberties. iDuring
the 1930's the FBI illegally wiretapped members of the US Supreme
Court. From 1937 – 1959 the FBI operated Deisel Research
Corporation a shadow company, also partly funded by German
intelligence, through which they placed a double agent into the
magazine Newsweek. President Eisenhower issued an Executive Order
banning gays from federal government offices and ordered J Edgar
Hoover to create list of homosexuals and their activities in the
United States. Because of J. Edgar Hoover's long time relationship
with the father-in-law of Daniel Elsburg he refused a Presidential
order to investigate his leaking of the Pentagon Paper to the press.
Assistant FBI Director Mark
Felt became the spokesperson for a disgruntled group of FBI agents
and employees upset with Nixon for appointing outsider J. Patrick
Gray to lead the FBI rather than Felt himself. Felt then set himself
up as an informant for Washington Post reporters Woodward and
Bernstein to leak them information into Gray's investigation of the
Watergate burglary. While Felt, whose was known only as “Deep
Throat” until his identity was revealed after his death, has become
an American folk hero, what did he do that was heroic? There was
nothing that Felt revealed that hurt Nixon. It was the testimony
before Congress of Alexander Butterfield on July 16, 1973 that
revealed the taping system in the Whitehouse. Special Counsel Leon
Jaworski then took the President to the Supreme Court to compel there
release. Felt's information offered very little evidence of criminal
activity on the part of Nixon. Felt merely used his privilege as
Deputy Director of the FBI to violate Richard Nixon's fourth
Amendment rights to achieve a political outcome. He had Woodward and
Bernstein sworn to secrecy not to protect the First Amendment of the
United States Constitution but to protect his job and career. Had his
identity been revealed he would have been fired lost his retirement
and perhaps been prosecuted. Felt was no hero protecting the
political process. He represented a corrupt anti-democratic culture
that unfortunately has been part of the FBI, since its inception in
Egyptian agent Emad Salleem
provided the FBI with the names of the 6 perpetrators of the 1993
World Trade Center bombing and information about their suspicious
activities more than a year in advance of the bombing. The Bureau
dropped Salleem as an informant because they feared he was also
working for Egyptian intelligence. They failed to act on the
knowledge he had supplied. No doubt this failure allowed the 1993
World Trade center bombing to take place, and gave confidence to the
9/11 bombers 8 years later. A former FBI agent who was assigned to
the CIA's Counter Terrorism Task Force (CTC) has long criticized the
FBI and President Bush for failing to act on alerts about a possible
Al-Quaeda attack on the mainland. The FBI covered up information
about the 9/11 bombers relationship with Saudi Arabi.ii
The FBI has a history of making investigatory decision based on
politics. What we saw today was nothing new.
The FBI has a history of making investigatory decision based on politics. What we saw today was nothing new.
An of course, the best
example of the FBI's misuse of authority were in the slaughters at
Ruby Ridge Idaho an action for which the Weaver family was awarded a
3.1 million dollar judgment against the FBI.iii
These slaughters were then followed by events at WACO Texasiv
While many are quick to defend the reputation an actions of the FBI, because the many field agents they employ they employ are dedicated
public servants. The examples of abuse that I have cataloged have
occurred enough that no one can call them random, coincidental, or
isolated. And while some of the incidences reported are disputed one
wonders what abuses may have occurred outside of the public
attention. A disregard for Forth Amendment liberties seems to be
part of the culture of the FBI. While no one denies the patriotism,
service and sacrifice agents make, and the protection the FBI has
provided our nation it is time to ask how many FBI investigations
resulting in prosecution have been politically motivated? Can a
republic survive if a national police force sees its role as
implementing the political will of the party in power rather than
defending the Constitution of the United States?
While the FBI is far
from a jack-booted Gestapo, the events revealed in the release of the
memo of House Intelligence Committee's memo today makes one wonder
just how far they are willing to go?” Could this have been the
beginning of the end of our Constitutional Republic? Of course, no
one can answer those questions, but the fact that we must now raise
them leads me to the conclusion that it is time to reform federal law
enforcement system.
There are at least 12
Federal investigative law enforcement agencies of the United State
Government empowered to arrest and bring criminal charges: Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; Criminal Investigation
Division, Office of Inspector General, Department of Veterans
Affairs; Drug Enforcement Agency; Office of Inspector General of the
Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Law Enforcement, Fish and
Wildlife Service; Office of Inspector General Health and Human
Services Agency; Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Criminal
Investigative Division of the Internal Revenue Service; U.S.
Marshall Service; US Postal Inspection Service; the United State
Secret Service, but the largest with broadest range of authority is
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.v
Every agency is created by
legislation, and Congress defines it's authority and sets its
boundaries. The FBI has broad powers to investigate threats against
the security of the United States, interstate commerce, and crimes
that cross state jurisdictions. The FBI is the only police force that
operates under the aegis of the Department of Justice, which I
believe is one of the reasons the bureau sometimes gets out of
control. At every other level of government and in every other
federal investigative agency the prosecutorial and
judicial authorities are separate from the investigative. If the U.S Marshall Service, which serves
under the Treasury Department, seeks to apprehend a fugitive, they
either do so with the permission or at the direction of the U.S.
Attorney's office of the Department of Justice. While the FBI must needs the same permission, they do so from their own agency. The
Attorney General and the Director of the FBI are political appointees
to the same agency. They support one another there is a mutuality of
focus and objective but no accountability across government lines. In
other words, they have a vested interest in mutual self –
This is evident with the
release of the memo today. For whatever reason (probably because they
thought she was going to win and wanted to protect their jobs) the
Justice Department and the FBI protected Hillary Clinton from
prosecution in her email scandal fiasco, and attempted to impugn and
some would even say frame Donald Trump on false pretexts. The
corruption in the Justice Department infected the FBI which became a
political tool of the Obama administration, the Democratic National
Committee, and the Clinton Campaign. As we have seen above this is
not the first time the FBI has been politicized, although it may be
the most profound example. The relationship between FBI and justice
is unusual.
At every level of government
prosecution and investigation are separate functions. In my state if
someone is suspected of a crime a police agency will gather evidence
and bring it to a local, county or state Attorney to determine
whether to pursue prosecution. Although the agencies clearly
communicate and an investigation can begin at either level' the
investigative agency is not controlled by the prosecutorial agency.
This usually enables one group to set boundaries on the other. If the
police force is unable to gather sufficient evidence to try a person,
the prosecutorial agency will not bring the case to trial. If the
prosecutor targets someone for investigation, the police are going to
seek a warrant and are going to pursue evidence for a crime based on
probable cause not just seek to prosecute an unpopular person. Of,
course the system is not perfect, there are examples of
investigations that go off track and prosecutions that are malicious,
but in general the tension between the two create a just result. The
first change that the abuse revealed in the memo should instill is
the separation of the FBI from the Department of Justice.
Suppose in 1993 the FBI had
been under the aegis of Treasury would the motivation to protect the
financial system had lead to evidence being presented to a U.S.
Attorney even though DOJ had different interest? What if in the last
election cycle the FBI had been under the direction of the Department
of Homeland Security, that among other things is charged with
protecting the security of our electoral process? If Deputy
Attorney's General Sally Yates, or Rod Rosenstein had approach an FBI
Director, who was not accountable to them, with contrived evidence do
you think they would have agreed to investigate? Or let me ask the
question this way, since the FBI was under the auspices of the DOJ,
could the Director have refused to participate in an investigation
ordered by the DOJ? Which would have been a stronger wall of
protection? Of course Homeland Security could have been as corrupt as
DOJ and may have jumped at the opportunity, but in all likelihood a
request from a parallel agency would have been look at differently
then would a request given to a subordinate one. So the first thing
that should happen as a result of this memo is the FBI should be
transferred to the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security.
This makes the most sense when you consider the agencies mission.
I want to propose one other change. I do think the FBI has too broad
a spectrum of authority. One of the complaints of law enforcement
agencies after 9/11 was the monolithic nature and the secretiveness
of the FBI. They sometimes are not very forthcoming with information
for other agencies. It seems to me that their function could be
served just as well by spreading some of their authority to other
agencies. The United Secret Service is charged with protecting the
monetary system and high level government personnel. It seems to me
that espionage and terrorism could fall under their authority. What
do we need and ATF, a DEA and an FBI sometime investigating the same
crimes? These agencies should be consolidate and authority
electoral system was threatened in the 2016 election, but not by the
Russian. Rather, it was threatened by hubristic individuals who
thought they knew better than the American people. They in
coordination with the Democratic National Committee manipulated the
investigative mechanism of government to exonerate a candidate whose activities were questionable and to impugn the integrity of the one
who was following the rules. Whether you are Democrat or Republican;
regardless of which candidate you love and which one you hate, the
memo reveals that the FBI and the DOJ were at best inefficient and
careless and at worst conspiratorial, but I think we can all agree
the FBI is out of control. It's time to reign-in the FBI.
Jacobs, J Edgar Hoover and the FBI's War on American's Civil
Jan 27, 2018
Jeff Stein, FBI Agent: CIA Could Have Stopped 9/11, Newsweek,
accessed January 27, 2018
accessed 01/27/2018
Hannaford The Standoff in WACO, The
Texas Observer
accessed January 27, 2018
site of the United States Department of Justice, Offices of the
United States Attorney, Middle District Pennsylaving,
accessed 02/02/2018
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