A Small Town Protest

Yesterday my fellow employees wondered aloud why I did not rush to the window to view the anti-war protest outside our building. We share a building with the local military recruiting office and are less than two blocks from a university campus. So the first reason I did not rush to the window was that I understood why we were targeted. However, when I heard the protester were marching down the middle of the street and stopping traffic on our town's main thoroughfare, curiosity got the best of me. I went over and looked out the window.

Frankly, what I found surprising was how small the group was. I was in college in the 70's, attending a large state university. I remember when Vietnam war protesters filled our campus quad. I remember every entrance to the University being lined with protesters. To many this demonstration seemed woefully puny. There really were not very many people rallying to their cause and the only thing that brought out the police was that they were blocking traffic.

It seems to me that the anti-war sentiment in this country is losing what little steam it had. I really believe that most Americans do not want the troops brought home at any expense. There are those who have bought the lie that there were no weapons of mass destruction, but very few Americans want to see our boys die in vain.

Have you noticed that Mc Cain is rising in the polls? The more people are asked "who would be best to answer the red phone?" The more they think that it would be someone who would bring peace through strength.

I went about my workday and was unaffected by the protest. One of my liberal friends at work asked me what I thought. I said I felt the group had the right to protest, but I just hope they realized that it was those soldiers dying in Iraq who secured that right for them. I could tell by the expression on his face that he had no idea what I meant. We were working so we didn't have time to discuss it. I hope these puny protest continue, because puny protests will have puny results.


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