Are You a Better Bowler Than a Special Olympian
When my children were small and they used to get caught up in raucous behavior. I would sometimes wrestles them and say don't you know it is against our family rules to have fun? Well I have been reflecting recently on how our culture is losing its sense-of-humor. It is against the rules to have fun anymore. In a time of economic stress it might help if we would lighten up. Remember early in the Presidential election cycle some one asked Mrs Clinton if she knew who Ghandi was. "He owns a convenience store in Indiana," she said. She had to apologize. Now I am no fan of Mrs. Clinton, but why should she have apologized. Yes it was ethnic humor. Yes it was stereotypical, but really who did it hurt. To recognize distinctive and common cultural practices is not racist. As a matter-of-fact, I think laughing at our differences makes them more tolerable. Remember when President George Bush had to apologize for calling then Senator Obama "articulate." Now what is that ab...