Would you buy a New Car from this man

Against my conservative conscience I succumbed to "cash for clunkers." It became obvious to my wife and me that it was time to trade our 2000 Chevrolet Blazer, and since the deal was out there we took advantage of it. We purchased a 2009 Nissan Versa , and here we sit 10 days after the paper work was signed-- no, Versa , no Blazer. My 18-year-old son is taking me to work everyday and picking me up. The government seems unable to get the promised $4500 rebate to my Nissan dealer. So what am I to do? Can I complain to my dealer? They are just making sure they have money before they release a product. If I complain to my local Democratic Congressman I will probably be called a Nazi or something else for expressing my frustration passionately. Wasn't it the government creating a venue for people to "get a deal" on mortgages that got us into this economic fix in the first place? Now are we doing the same things with cars? In the 1964 California gubernatorial cam...