Senator Kerry and President Obama are ignoranat of history in Afghanistan
In response to General Mc Crystal's and NATO's request for 40,000 additional troops some are arguing we need to pull out of Afghanistan now. The arguments for pulling out in Afghanistan belies a knowledge of history and a commitment to defending our nation. Was it not Senator Kerry's argument in the 2004 election that President Bush had "taken his eye off the ball" by going into Iraq, and that Afghanistan should be the main front? Did not then Senator Barak Obama argue that the war in Afghanistan "could not afford to be lost," even threatening to invade an allied nation to win it? Yet now when the going starts getting a little tough Senator Kerry and some in this administration are losing their courage, calling for a pullout. The problem is there arguments for a pullout are specious: Senator Kerry and some of his colleague argue that the Soviets fought there for ten years and were not able to defeat the Afghan War Lords, what makes us think that ...