Joran Van Der Sloot: Monster, or Misunderstood.
Over the last five years the world has watched the monster Joran Van Der Sloot as he has literally gotten away with the murder of Natalie Holloway, and then confessed to killing Stephany Flores. It will not be long though until people start writing biogs or books about poor little Joran, psychoanalyzing what went wrong in his life. I want to start that discussion: I know where Joran went wrong. He would be free today and a respected member in some cultures if he had only channeled his psychosis in other directions. Joran Van Der Sloot should have become a terrorist. I in no way intend to diminish the heinous nature of his crimes, nor do I deny that Joran deserves far worse than the hell he is facing . All I am asking is if Joran had channeled his aggression in a different direction would he have been excused if not even respected by the American and European left. What would have happened if Joran had been a terrorist?
It would be a calumny to suggest that Natalie was some how responsible for her own death because she was in a bar in a foreign country after midnight with a man she did not know. No one would intimate that Stephany's bad judgment for going into the hotel room of a perfect stranger had lead to her death. But had Natalie or Stephany been Jewish girls living in Israel and Joran had set off a bomb at their wedding, no doubt some' in the media would have suggested the women bore some responsibility. Instead of thinking him evil, some people (including the current U.S. President) would have argued he needed understanding. Stephany and Natalie's parents were living where they should not have been and oppressing the Palestinian people. They needed to apologize for the wrongs they had done. Joran's crime, they would have argued, was misplaced rage over his own oppression. A sad tragedy, albeit it understandable.
Joran fled to South America apparently to get away from an extortion investigation by the FBI. What if Joran had been a Moslem extremist living in Europe? He could have argued the women had violated sharia law, infringing were only men should have been, punishing them was his duty to Allah. And in some parts of Europe where sharia law is observed he would have been within his right to punish them. The sad thing is many in the world would have believed that if we had shown him a little compassion he would have realized the error of his ways. "Joran, you would be so much better off today, had you been a terrorist."
Joran's mistake undoubtedly was going to South America. Do you suppose that the Peruvian police used enhanced interrogation techniques to get a confession out of him? Well it worked. He talked. Look if he had been a terrorist suspected of attempting to blow up an airplane on approach to a major American city someone in the Justice Department would have called and said, "you must Mirandize him before you interrogate him." The Chilean authorities wasted no time to remove the illegal immigrant who crossed their border back to Peru. If he would have been a jehadist he could have crossed the border into Arizona under the auspices of looking for a job and no one, leastwise a policeman, would have asked him to prove his identity, where he was from, where he was going, or questioned his right to be there. Such action would have been racist.
Let's be realistic: By all appearance Joran seems to be a psychopathic pariah who has no conscience. But if he had been a terrorist our President would have said, "We need to give him time to change his behavior." Look at all he has been through; look at how oppressed he had been. The world community needs to come together and convince him he is wrong. And those young girls need to own up to to their responsibility in the the matter. Those young women, may have been well intentioned, but they came into his territory; they invaded his privacy, criticized his way of life. Is it any wonder he reacted the way he did? His depravity is not a result of ignominious character. It is an expected reaction to injustice. Let's not punish Joran let's help him live in a society that respects social justice. (Whatever that means: I thought all justice was social). Like that other unfortunate man, Khaled Sheik Mohamed, Joran is a victim of injustice. What we need are for the institutional leaders to make sure everyone in society is treated the same and that we establish a world built on an oxymoronic code called --social justice.
We hold these truths to be self evident: The root cause of terrorism is those Jews who constantly grab land and things that don't belong to them and their evil cousin America. Everyone knows that the evil person in the war on terror is George Bush. Is it possible that George Bush is responsible for the murders of these two young women. Could the Peruvian police have the wrong guy? After all Bush's family helped build the evil capitalistic oil rich society which allowed Natalie to go on a decadent graduation trip to an exotic island. He took our nation to war against poor oppressed people. Such decadence does have unintended consequences. Why every one knows that its was George Bush's opposition to the cartels in Columbia and Peru that put Stephany's father in his position in Peru. Stephany Flores grew up in a culture where she believed in such anachronisms as right and wrong good and evil, and she confronted Joran. But who was she to say his behavior was wrong? Who is she to judge? This confrontation embarrassed him; it made him feel bad. He had to lash out. You see it was those convoluted Judeo-Christian values that caused Joran to explode. So you see: had it not been for George Bush Natalie and Stephanie would still be alive. Joran would still be quietly gambling in Aruba and not hurting anybody. He only reacted the way oppressed people do. Why don't people get that. Why of course we grieve for Natalie and Stephany, but we should all feel empathy for Joran too?
Where did Joran's go wrong? He did not become a terrorist, because that would have legitimized his murders. It would have justified his heinous crimes and it would have enabled him to escape an unfair prosecution by blaming that evil Satan George Bush and his Arch angel Dick Cheney. I do grieve with the Hollway and Flores family. Their pain is legitimate. Their call for justice must be heard. But who is really guilty here. Joran might not have seemed so bad if he had been on a boat storming a blockade and beating soldiers, who were defending their homeland and doing their duty. We would have called him a"freedom fighter." Joran, "where did you go wrong? "Joran if you had been a terrorist when you went to prison there would be groups like the ACLU, Amnesty International, The Red Cross and others arguing the primary responsibility of your captors was your human rights. Just because you were killing people why should you be denied your freedom?Who are the bad guys here? Well what about Natalie's civil rights, or Stephany's or 3,000 Americans who just went to work in an office building, or, for that matter, the Israeli people cowering under a daily barrage of missiles.
" Joran I hope you get what you deserve: the hottest room in hell. And to all those terrorists of the world I hope the United Nations, Europe and the United States wakes up soon and realize that time, talk and appeasement is one of greatest social injustices of the modern world." Showing compassion and understanding to evil people does not stir them to a reciprocal response. They interpret our attitude as weakness. Appeasement empowers evil,it does not persuade. The only way to stop terorism is with decisive action. "Joran, imagine how different your life would have turned out had you been a jihadist?"
It would be a calumny to suggest that Natalie was some how responsible for her own death because she was in a bar in a foreign country after midnight with a man she did not know. No one would intimate that Stephany's bad judgment for going into the hotel room of a perfect stranger had lead to her death. But had Natalie or Stephany been Jewish girls living in Israel and Joran had set off a bomb at their wedding, no doubt some' in the media would have suggested the women bore some responsibility. Instead of thinking him evil, some people (including the current U.S. President) would have argued he needed understanding. Stephany and Natalie's parents were living where they should not have been and oppressing the Palestinian people. They needed to apologize for the wrongs they had done. Joran's crime, they would have argued, was misplaced rage over his own oppression. A sad tragedy, albeit it understandable.
Joran fled to South America apparently to get away from an extortion investigation by the FBI. What if Joran had been a Moslem extremist living in Europe? He could have argued the women had violated sharia law, infringing were only men should have been, punishing them was his duty to Allah. And in some parts of Europe where sharia law is observed he would have been within his right to punish them. The sad thing is many in the world would have believed that if we had shown him a little compassion he would have realized the error of his ways. "Joran, you would be so much better off today, had you been a terrorist."
Joran's mistake undoubtedly was going to South America. Do you suppose that the Peruvian police used enhanced interrogation techniques to get a confession out of him? Well it worked. He talked. Look if he had been a terrorist suspected of attempting to blow up an airplane on approach to a major American city someone in the Justice Department would have called and said, "you must Mirandize him before you interrogate him." The Chilean authorities wasted no time to remove the illegal immigrant who crossed their border back to Peru. If he would have been a jehadist he could have crossed the border into Arizona under the auspices of looking for a job and no one, leastwise a policeman, would have asked him to prove his identity, where he was from, where he was going, or questioned his right to be there. Such action would have been racist.
Let's be realistic: By all appearance Joran seems to be a psychopathic pariah who has no conscience. But if he had been a terrorist our President would have said, "We need to give him time to change his behavior." Look at all he has been through; look at how oppressed he had been. The world community needs to come together and convince him he is wrong. And those young girls need to own up to to their responsibility in the the matter. Those young women, may have been well intentioned, but they came into his territory; they invaded his privacy, criticized his way of life. Is it any wonder he reacted the way he did? His depravity is not a result of ignominious character. It is an expected reaction to injustice. Let's not punish Joran let's help him live in a society that respects social justice. (Whatever that means: I thought all justice was social). Like that other unfortunate man, Khaled Sheik Mohamed, Joran is a victim of injustice. What we need are for the institutional leaders to make sure everyone in society is treated the same and that we establish a world built on an oxymoronic code called --social justice.
We hold these truths to be self evident: The root cause of terrorism is those Jews who constantly grab land and things that don't belong to them and their evil cousin America. Everyone knows that the evil person in the war on terror is George Bush. Is it possible that George Bush is responsible for the murders of these two young women. Could the Peruvian police have the wrong guy? After all Bush's family helped build the evil capitalistic oil rich society which allowed Natalie to go on a decadent graduation trip to an exotic island. He took our nation to war against poor oppressed people. Such decadence does have unintended consequences. Why every one knows that its was George Bush's opposition to the cartels in Columbia and Peru that put Stephany's father in his position in Peru. Stephany Flores grew up in a culture where she believed in such anachronisms as right and wrong good and evil, and she confronted Joran. But who was she to say his behavior was wrong? Who is she to judge? This confrontation embarrassed him; it made him feel bad. He had to lash out. You see it was those convoluted Judeo-Christian values that caused Joran to explode. So you see: had it not been for George Bush Natalie and Stephanie would still be alive. Joran would still be quietly gambling in Aruba and not hurting anybody. He only reacted the way oppressed people do. Why don't people get that. Why of course we grieve for Natalie and Stephany, but we should all feel empathy for Joran too?
Where did Joran's go wrong? He did not become a terrorist, because that would have legitimized his murders. It would have justified his heinous crimes and it would have enabled him to escape an unfair prosecution by blaming that evil Satan George Bush and his Arch angel Dick Cheney. I do grieve with the Hollway and Flores family. Their pain is legitimate. Their call for justice must be heard. But who is really guilty here. Joran might not have seemed so bad if he had been on a boat storming a blockade and beating soldiers, who were defending their homeland and doing their duty. We would have called him a"freedom fighter." Joran, "where did you go wrong? "Joran if you had been a terrorist when you went to prison there would be groups like the ACLU, Amnesty International, The Red Cross and others arguing the primary responsibility of your captors was your human rights. Just because you were killing people why should you be denied your freedom?Who are the bad guys here? Well what about Natalie's civil rights, or Stephany's or 3,000 Americans who just went to work in an office building, or, for that matter, the Israeli people cowering under a daily barrage of missiles.
" Joran I hope you get what you deserve: the hottest room in hell. And to all those terrorists of the world I hope the United Nations, Europe and the United States wakes up soon and realize that time, talk and appeasement is one of greatest social injustices of the modern world." Showing compassion and understanding to evil people does not stir them to a reciprocal response. They interpret our attitude as weakness. Appeasement empowers evil,it does not persuade. The only way to stop terorism is with decisive action. "Joran, imagine how different your life would have turned out had you been a jihadist?"
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