Repeal of Don't Ask Dont Tell Undermines the Liberty of Homosexuals.
One of the defining moments in the development of my political philosophy took place at a Campus Crusade for Christ meeting at the University of South Florida, where I did my undergraduate work, sometime in 1973. The Vietnam War was still raging. The speaker that night was a US Air Force fighter pilot recently returned from Vietnam who came to share the story of his conversion to Christianity. When his visit was announced the radical student organizations arranged to have the event protested. The pilot had to be escorted into the student union by the University Police. There were horrible grotesque signs and banners up on campus all day with maxims like: "Jesus welcomed babies, he didn't bomb them." A group came into the meeting and attempted to disrupt his testimony, heckling him with chants of ba -by kil - ler ." During his testimony, one heckler stood up and screamed, " I bet you wish I could be silenced." The Officer, wearing his dress blues, looked ...