
Showing posts from January, 2011

What We Did Not Know About the Ferrari in the Driveway

There has been a lot of talk since November about reigning in government spending. Most people are in favor of reducing government spending until their program is cut, their grant proposal is denied. The question is how can government be reigned in successfully and worthwhile programs be maintained. Here are some radically conservative ideas for making our country what Ronald Reagan dreamed we would be -- a city on a hill. On the occasion of his hundredth birthday we can experience what he called our great "rendezvous with destiny." But it will take radical solutions to get there. Let me offer a few, not so modest suggestions: First, sunset ineffective agencies in census years. After George Washington became President he created 3 cabinet agencies he considered essential to government: the War Department (now called Defense), The Treasury Department, and the State Department. He recognized three essential functions of the executive branch -defense, money and relations with ot...

How Do We Help The Least of These

If I here one more Hollywood liberal say that their Christian faith leads them to a progressive liberal world view I am going to scream. First lets make it clear that Jesus did not come to be a political leader. He made absolutely no comments about Pax Romana, or the major social injustice of his day, slavery. He road into the temple on a donkey and spurned attempts to make him king. He was not a politician. There are several New Testament passages progressives interpret to mean that a Christian community is responsible for establishing a community based on what they call "social justice." which apparently means a world where there is common ownership of property and no differences in status among people. Every one is equal in this utopia. The first passage commonly espoused is Matthew 25:35-39: "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you 'gave me drink.' 'I was thirsty and you gave me drink,'I was a stranger and you welcomed me.'...

Cast the Blame Where it Belongs for Gifford Shooting

Frankly, I am tired of the pundits and politicians who are blaming Sarah Palin or conservative talk show host for Congresswoman Gifford's shooting. It all began with the sheriff of the county blamed it on "right wing" vitriol. This apparently to cover up his lack of vigilance for protecting her. The shooter, Jared Loghner, had a history of violence, and of making threats to public officials, including President Bush and Congresswoman Giffords. He is certainly the kind of person who should have been under observation when this kind of an event was announced. His actionss were consistent with his known history and behavior, which is why blaming the action on Palin or other is ludicrous. Anyone who follows this blog knows I am first and foremost a consevative and secondly a Republican. Although Govenor Palin shares those same views and affiliations and is without a doubt a Christian woman she is far from being my favorite among the Republican prospects for 2012. I do not wri...