
Showing posts from July, 2011

March of Dimes or Crimes

The company I work for does most of its charitable giving through March of Dimes. There is all most constant encouragement to contribute. I do not. I silently protest; occasionally' someone asks me why I do not attend one of the company sponsored fund raisers. When I explain that as a pro-life Christian I cannot support the charity, which is the largest single completely privately funded supporter of abortion at all stages of pregnancy, they stare at me like I am some "wild-eye" fanatic. March of Dimes does everything in their power to disguise their true agenda. To the point where their advertising is deceptive. Now let's be clear March of Dimes has a magnanimous history. At the encouragement of President Franklin Roosevelt, who was disabled by polio, a group of philanthropist formed the charity to fight the epidemic that was killing millions and had even paralyzed him. They were an important support and funding channel for Dr. Jonas Salk who eventually developed a ...