Tea-partiers Understand Wealth Distribution better than Wall Street Protestors

Does it strike you at all strange that those who excoriated the Tea Party movement are embracing the Wall Street protestors, while comparing them to each other? Rest assured there is no comparison between the movements:

There is no comparison in the reaction of one group to the other. Many of those who embrace the wall street Protestors question the motivation and patriotism and values of the Tea Party. While the Tea-partiers and their ilk recognize and advocate public protest and the right to peacefully assembly. It is as American as "apple pie and fourth of July." Some even are in jobs that defend and protect those rights, such as people in the Armed Forces. They make no attempt to deny the protestors their right to protest or stage alternate protests as liberal groups do.

There is no comparison between the events themselves. Tea-partiers are known for getting permits keeping rally areas clean, supporting businesses and people's life style in the area. Whereas the Wall Street protestors have problems disposing of their bodily waste, distribute drugs at their rallies hurt local businesses, drive tourist away, and generally contribute to job loss, and growing social deprivation in the area where they hold their events.

There is no comparison between methods they advocate for accomplishing their agenda.
Although Tea-Partiers organized rallies in public parks and buildings, they did not block people's entries or interfere with their livelihoods. They worked with political leaders, influence in an important election and are seeking to accomplish their purposes through the political system. Most Tea-partiers funded their own participation in the events. Most Tea-partiers have jobs or run small business. They protested Obama care, the bailouts, and socialism.

Most of the Wallstreet protestors are students, public employee union members, or unemployed. Many of them are participating because someone else is funding them. They are people who are used to being provider for rather than providing for themselves or producing for others. They belie any understanding of independence. They are protesting Capitalism and those who are the providers of jobs and wealth. They believe everyone is entitled to the same standard of living because any material disparity is inherently evil. They say billions of dollars of wealth in the hands of a corporation is evil. Whereas as billions of dollars taken from those who have created the products and services that have made all of our lives better, and giving it to those who do nothing for anyone other than themselves is "social justice". They belie any understanding of liberty.

The Tea Party protester were accused of advocating racism and violence. There were only a few incidents ever reported. They were either never verified or were somewhat incidental to the events. The Wall Street protestors are destroying private property, maligning those who disagreed with them. Some have even called for the violent death of those who disagree with them.

Some people vilified the Tea-partiers as obstructionist or opposing the American Way
because they oppose a controlling oppressive government. They have accused them of being unpatriotic, not acting like our founders. Yet they are acting precisely like our founders, who sought to cast off an oppressive government and replace it a society where individuals took responsibility for their own lives and were happy with outcomes. They understand freedom. The revolutionary goals of the Wall Street Protests are more like those of the failed French Revolutionaries, than of the successful American Revolutionaries. The French sought only to destroy their oppressors. Their goal was only to take from those who had and give it to those who had not. The result was chaos. The French Revolution like all such revolutions that only seek destruction resulted in the collapse of the economy and the rise of a despots like Napoleon. Whereas a Revolution that seeks not to destroy but to build and restore leads to a just society. It is liberating.

The two competing visions of society and government represented by Tea-partiers and Wall Street protestors both have proven results. Their ends are as dichotomous as their agenda. There is no comparison between what these two movements will produce.

The end result of a society shaped by the values of the Wall Street Protestors is wealth and prosperity in the hands of the greedy and powerful. I can not judge the motives of individual Wall Street Protestors; however I can predict what life will be like if their vision of America prevails. It will in no way be a place of freedom and equality. It will look more like Somalia than San Francisco. Despots will rule.

History also shows the result of a society shaped by people who embrace the values of Tea-partiers. It will be a place where anyone who is able and who is free can take responsibility for their lives and produce as much for themselves as they choose. It will be a place where those who are unable to support themselves will live in an environment where people have the philanthropy and the generosity to help them. A Capitalist society is one where in order to continue those who have wealth must produce more wealth and make it easier for those with out to receive it. That is why when greed an corruption exist in a capitalist society it eventually fails. Historically, capitalist have been place purveyors of philanthropy. Equality has eventually overcome. I can not judge the motive of individual Tea-partiers. There may well be some who are racist or extremist among the group. But the tenor of the group is a love for Freedom. Where liberty reigns wealth grows and that wealth becomes available to anyone who is free and willing to take responsibility for the gaining of it..

The best way to redistribute wealth is to create an economy where their is an excess of wealth and where anyone who wants it can get. Anyone who compares Tea-partiers to Wall street protestors belies any understanding of history and economics. They understand neither society nor justice.


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