There You Go Again Celebrating Alwaki's Death

Last May when our Navy seals killed Ben Laden I got quite a bit of negative reaction and even some Christian admonition to my open celebration on Facebook. People were not as upset with the fact that I celebrated as they were with the fact that I declared it an act of Christian Worship. How could I celebrate that someone was in hell they said? Some people never learn. Here I go again. Last night AL Alwaki and several terrorist leaders were killed in Yemen, and I am rejoicing. I am sure that is going to make many of you uncomfortable and cause you to question my Christian-world view. Am I mixing patriotism with worship and does it show that I place my country above my God,which would be idolatry,and make my worship hypocritical?

Well I do not think it does, nor do I think I need to defend my self, but I am going to any way. The gospel is much bigger than the issue of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. I do not make a judgement about Al-Alwaki's eternal destiny. I leave him the hands of the Only Righteous Judge. The church's mission is about extending his kingdom and reflecting his glory. As Christians we celebrate a big God. When we worship we reflect on far more than his love and redemption; we also rejoice at his holiness and righteousness. Therfore we celebrate when justice conquers oppression. We celebrate when right wins over wrong.

When i was in Seminary I studied a number of Psalms of "Imprecation." They are scripture where a worship song (that is what a Psalm is) is written when the author's enemy is killed. These Psalms do not rejoice in David or Moses. Their point is not that David was better than Saul or Absalom, or whatever enemy, but that God does at time use men and nations to exercise his judgment. Right has triumphed over wrong and when that happens God is glorified. His holiness must be celebrated

The clearest statement of Imprecation is Psalm 58:10. "The righteous will rejoice when he see the vengeance; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked." Just as angels rejoice when a sinner is saved. Righteous people rejoice when right triumphs over wrong. Remember Moses wrote a worship psalm on the occasion of the Exodus. It celebrates that the Egyptian cavalry horses and their riders had drowned in the sea. God had place Israel in the midst of Egypt for 400 years to declare his glory. They reject it. Moses had given Pharaoh ample opportunity to repent and let the people go. God had exercise his judgment over Pharaoh's genocidal killing of the Jewish first born a generation before, by bringing the same event upon Egypt at Passover. Pharaoh knew God would defend his people and his honor, but he hardened his heart. Yes that is sad, because the consequence of his actions were his own destruction. His drowning was God's demonstration of his holiness and faithfulness and that God does sovereignly protect his people.

Alwaki was an evil man who had inspired the Fort Hood shooting among other things. He worshiped a false religion with a perverted view of God and man. We do not celebrate his death as a Patriotic act. The issue is not that America is good, or the US is better, the issue is that God is Holy, God is righteous, and in History his justice always, eventually prevails. Therefore, I as the Psalmist declares, do not hesitate to wash my feet in the blood of the wicked. Their said lives, and tragic death is a testimony to God's justice. My worship is shallow and incomplete if I neglect to Praise him God for His holiness justice and vengeance. Hallejuah Alwaki is dead.

Go ahead now I am ready react to that.


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