Should Newt Gingrich Get Out of the Race

After Newt won only Georgia is Super Tuesday's primary some in the Santorum camp said he should drop out. While a single victory was disappointing I'm not sure it is time to drop out yet.

First Georgia is the largest of the Super Tuesday states. It awarded the most delegates, so Newt walked away with more new delegates than the other three. Neither Romney nor Santorum had a strong showing in their wins. If Newt can win Alabama, Mississippi and Texas he will be back in the race. Yes, that is a big if, but the other 3's positions are not strong enough yet to rule Newt out. Besides, the Santorum people's assumption is false.

They assume that if Newt dropped out of the race most of his supporters would go to them. I for one would vote for Romney. My objection to Santorum is simple. He has never lead anything, nor has he ever reformed anything. Although he gives a strong conservative message, and has a strong record on social. On fiscal issue his record is not very conservative and his statement are mendacious.

It is not True that he never supported individual mandates. When he ran for Senate against Harris Wofford in 1992. He did exactly that.

It is not True that he is fiscal conservative. He was an ally and supporter of Arlen Specter. He voted 5 times to raise the debt ceiling. He supported Wall Street bailouts.

Only Newt and Mitt have reformed anything. If Newt does not make better progress in the next few months he may have to get out, but now is not the time. IF he does get out my vote will be for Romney.


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