Only a New Political Second Party Can Recover America

The nomination and subsequent defeat of Mitt Romney revealed clearly why the Republican Party must go. Please do not misunderstand me Mitt Romney is a magnanimous and patriotic man, who would have made a great President. During the Republican nomination process Mitt was declared as "the only electable candidate." It was the same thing said about Mc Cain in 2008, who lost, Bush in 2000, who won by less than 1000 votes, Dole before him who lost. The philosophy which has lead to narrow victories and losses is that moderates are the most likely winners of elections and they win by appealing to moderates. Yet one would think the results of the last few elections would lead one to question the premises upon which they had been built, since they have only resulted in failures or narrow victories. The reason these premises have remained unquestioned for so many years is fear.

The country has rejected the Republican message. And the Republican leadership does not understand the nature of the country. The majority of our country is made up of people who believe it is the responsibility of government to make sure every resident of the country is clothed, fed, medicated and entertained. They are a right. We are entitled to them. There is one party that exists to give these people every thing they want. Not because people are greedy, but they are entitled. That party, the democratic party, is, as Rush LImbaugh says, Santa Claus. The Republican Strategy has been to appeal to these people who want things. To try to give them just enough that they will realize we are just as jolly as Santa Claus. It is not compromise the democrats want from the Republicans it is capitulation, and most Republican leaders are perfectly willing to turn over, stick their appendages in the air and play dead.

Republicans who win elections use the same strategy as democrats. They convince the voter that their policies when acted will benefit them now. Secondly, they are not afraid to dispute false claims, and to criticize their opponents. This is what Regan did in 1980. He convinced the country that we did not have to accept Carter's malaise. He convinced the people that they were worse off than they were four years before, but more importantly, that
they could do better.

I for one am convinced that the Republican Party is not going to change. I believe it is time for new American Second party. In other words, I am not calling for a third party. I am calling for a unification of conservative forces that is strong enough to diminish the Republican Party into obscurity.  The ground work for this has all ready been laid by the TEA party, and I would propose the following strategy to raise the TEA party to prominence:

1. At the beginning of the next Congress in January the TEA party members in the US House and US Senate should form their own caucus. Not a caucus that is an offshoot of the democratic party such as the black caucuses, but they should form elect their own officers and refuse to meet with the Republican caucus. If the Republicans wanted to maintain their majority they would have to join them. This would force the so-called moderates to either join the democratic party or join with the TEA party.

2. The Tea Party should register as a political party in all states.The tea party members in the legislators of the various states should form independent caucuses in those states, following the same strategy as the national officers

3. The Tea Party should hold a political convention well before 2016 and announce a Tea Party platform and encourage members to run in primary elections in 2014 and 2016.

4. A national Chairman or spokesperson should be designated. If possible, a prominent Republican, who has impeccable credentials such as a MIke Pence of Indiana or a Sara Palin would be a good person to be chairman. There leadership would give impetus and momentum to the party.

By following these simple steps a new Conservative Party could be formed in time for the 2016 election and it would equip the Republican Party. The Grand Old Party is just too Grand and Old. It is time to let it fade into history, and to have a new part, a TEA party, Taxed Enough All Ready, arise and take America Back


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