I am not a Trump supporter, at least not yet. If the decision were mine alone I would give the nomination to another candidate; on the other hand, neither am I one who is wringing my hands waiting for him to drop out of the race. If Trump gets the nomination I will vote for him. We could do a lot worse. Trump is the healthiest thing for the party since the nomination of Teddy Roosevelt. It is becoming more and more evident to me that Trump may actually be the nominee. I agree with much of what Trump says. I like most of what he says, and I love the way he says it. It is about time someone told the truth. The one thing that distinguishes Trump and the outsider candidates, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, is that they understand that the fundamental quality of leadership is credibility. I would vote for any one of them in a heartbeat over any of the democrats or the moderate Republicans like Bush, Christie, Pitaki, Gilmore and Kaisich, or the amnesty advocates like R...
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