
Showing posts from October, 2014

Hoisted on Their Own Petard is Here

Those of you who think my post of two weeks ago warning that the time was coming when clergy who sign state sanction marriage certificates would be compelled to perform gay marriages may  be surprise to see that it is all ready here. It happened this week in Idaho  government-ordained-ministers-celebrate-sex-wedding-go-jail/ . Now I realize this was in a private wedding chapel, but in a week where Houston pastor are asked to surrender there sermons about homosexuality one doesn't have to go very far to argue that if one solemnizes a state licensed wedding then one must abide by state laws. We are going to have to be prepared to defend a theology of marriage and to provide services in such a way that Christian marriages maintain their distinction. Hence my next post will try to shed light on the subject. Next week: what is marriage?

Christian Clergy Performing Marriages May be Hoisted on Their Own Petard.

Yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States refused to here the appeals of the five states that had previously attempted to prohibit same sex marriage. Although many gay couples and some Christian clergy are rejoicing at what they see as an endorsement of freedom and love, the non-decision-decision is an epic change which I submit will lead to a constitutional and social crisis. Together the 9th and 10th amendments of the US Constitution set aside the powers and jurisdiction not enumerated as belonging to the federal government as belonging to the states. As with Roe v. Wade in the 70's the Supreme Court has in affect created federal law where none previously existed and where it lacked jurisdiction to act. The founders of the country felt the federal government should not be involved in intimate personal decisions, because such decision are individual and community. The problem with the courts getting involved in this is it eliminates people's ability to make moral choice...