
Showing posts from December, 2014

Samson's Jawbone: Abandon the Republican Ship!

Samson's Jawbone: Abandon the Republican Ship! : In 1979 I attended a graphic artist conference in Tampa, Florida. The speakers from government, academia and business were trying to describ...

Abandon the Republican Ship!

In 1979 I attended a graphic artist conference in Tampa, Florida. The speakers from government, academia and business were trying to describe to us the future of mass communications in America. They told us the time was coming when a person would be able to sit down in their home at a computer terminal attached to a keyboard and send letters and correspondence anywhere in the world at the speed of light. They even said it was theoretically possible for a new dimension in communication where information about practically anything would be accessible from anywhere in an instant. That some of the communications medium portrayed in Star Wars, or Star Trek were actually realizable in a decade. It all seemed unbelievable. Some there were skeptical. When it came time for a marketing executive from IBM to speak he said what many of us were thinking at the time. He said, "IBM changed mass communication in this country with the invention of the Selectric Typewriter. The question for us a...

Samson's Jawbone: A Radical Birth

Samson's Jawbone: A Unigue Mother; A Radical Birth : Is there a greater mystery or a more bizarre story than the birth of Christ?The greatest screen play could not weaved together a more compli...

Samson's Jawbone: Michael Brown was a Casualty of a Victimization Cu...

Samson's Jawbone: Michael Brown is a Casualty of a Victimization Cu... : Many years ago I worked as a sales clerk in a retail department store. One day I was working in the bedding department selling blankets and ...

Michael Brown was a Casualty of a Victimization Culture

Many years ago I worked as a sales clerk in a retail department store. One day I was working in the bedding department selling blankets and comforters. In the center of the department was an advertising display. A plywood platform about half the length of a bed covered with a comforter, pillows and two china dolls. Suddenly two small children ran through the department. They jumped up on the platform, thinking it was a mattress, and tried to bounce. The only thing that bounced were the china dolls, one landing on the floor shattering. The department manager, immediately called for housekeeping to clean up the broken glass and for merchandising to fix the display. I walked over and asked the children where their parent was. They lead me to a woman on  the floor below us whom I confirmed was their mother. The children stood next to her smiling precociously. Introducing myself to the woman, I asked her if she knew her children had been unaccompanied in the store. She said, "Yeah, w...