Gay Marriage is Where Disctinctions Will Have to Be Drawn
Most of us know the name Rosa Parks. We admire her for the stand she took against racism, but most of us forget how her case became known. After she was arrested for refusing to move to the rear of the bus she called, her pastor. The young Rev. Martin Luther King came to the jail and took up her cause. The rest is history. Any student of history knows that the great causes in America even our revolution itself gained public acceptance in part because local church pastors were prominent in the fight. The evangelist George Whitefield was a defender of our liberty. The abolitionist movement had strong connections to William Wilberforce and the preachers of the second Great Awakening gave rise to abolitionism and the end of slavery in the United States. When I see the debate over gay marriage and individual religious liberty it gives rise to on quesiton for me. Where are the nations clerical leaders? The silence of our nations evangelical leaders over the gay marriage...