
Showing posts from July, 2015

Can the Gay Marriage Decision Be Reversed

The Supreme Court of the United States has a history of unjust, unconstitutional or political decisions. It has been the tool liberals have used for accomplishing their agenda, which cannot pass either through direct vote or legislation for most of this century. The Gay marriage decision exemplifies liberalism's use of  the courts to advance its unpopular agenda. Evey time Gay marriage has been put to a vote (as recently as 2014) even the most liberal states have rejected it. The recent OBERGEFELL ET AL. v. HODGES, DIRECTOR, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, ET Al.,           upheld the legality of same sex  marriage in all 50 states and US territories. The decision created "a right to dignity" protected by the 14th Amendement, and nullified the first, ninth and tenth amendments.

Samson's Jawbone: GOP Can Learn from Trump

Samson's Jawbone: GOP Can Learn from Trump : Earlier in the week Presidential candidate Donald Trump made some statements some interpreted as disparaging to Senator John Mc Cain. Many ...

GOP Can Learn from Trump

Earlier in the week Presidential candidate Donald Trump made some statements some interpreted as disparaging to Senator John Mc Cain. Many pundits predicted that his groundswell of support would vanish, that he had taken his bellicosity too far. Instead, his popularity seems to have increased. The next day, in the home state of fellow Presidential Candidate Lindsey Graham, Trump called him an "idiot," decried that he was "zero" in the poles, then red aloud his personal cell phone number. Graham's home state audience seemed to love it. Now today the Republican establishment is meeting to see how they can ameliorate the damage Trump has supposedly done to the party. There hasn't been any votes casts, and yet some Republicans see Trump as a danger to the party. What some Republicans fail to understand is that Trump has not damaged the party at all, rather the party has wounded the constituency to whom Trump appeals. I am not a Trump supporter. I am a

Samson's Jawbone: Gay Marriage: What Now?

Samson's Jawbone: Gay Marriage: What Now? : After last Friday's ruling by the US Supreme Court making gay marriage the law of the land there have been many calls for action from e...

Gay Marriage: What Now?

After last Friday's ruling by the US Supreme Court making gay marriage the law of the land there have been many calls for action from evangelical Christians.  Many have expressed surprise disappointment and fear. Personally I was unmoved by the decision as it was exactly what I expected from this court. I have predicted that  the court was poised to make this decision  and have clearly stated that gay marriage stands in opposition to Christian teaching and will destroy our culture. It is now obvious that we live in a Post-Christian nation. Not only was marriage re-defined by the court so was religious liberty . Some conservative politicians are proposing legislation and constitutional amendments to either reverse the affects of the ruling or expressing there angst about it. Church leaders are warning of inevitable persecution. There is little hope for reversal of this decision through politics or civil disobedience. This post on  Samson's Jawbone will...