
Showing posts from August, 2015

Samson's Jawbone: The Fuss About Gay Marriage is about the Children

Samson's Jawbone: The Fuss About Gay Marriage is about the Children : Country and western singing icon and outspoken Christian Cary Underwood was recently criticized in on-line posts for her support of gay ...

Michael Brown Anniversary Celebrates Victimization

The last several nights a few people in Ferguson, Missouri have rioted, looted and burned the city as a tribute to Michael Brown. The Black Lives Matter  movement, has made him a martyr for their cause. The founders of this movement would have us believe that Michael Brown was gunned down by a calculating, callous and racist Officer Daryn Wilson while Brown's hands were raised as he called out, "don't shoot!"  Three autopsies, including one paid for by Mr. Brown's family, and a Grand Jury established the the incredulity of this scenario .  While Mr. Brown's death is a grievous loss for his family, and while there are police officers who pull their gun's as an act of racial animus, the police are often the scapegoats for those who wish to deny the breakdown of the African American culture, and by black politicians and clergy who exploit the deaths for their own power and fame. Leaders of this country especially those in the Obama administration h...