(R) is the New Scarlet Letter

In the Nathanael Hawthorne's novel Scarlett Letter set in June 1642 in the Puritan town of Boston, a crowd gathers to witness the punishment of Hester Prynne, a young woman found guilty of adultery. She is required to wear a scarlet "A" ("A" standing for adulteress) on her dress to shame her. The persistent victories of Donald Trump in the early primaries reveal a new mark of shame. Now any politician that has the letter (R)  next to his name is marked as an adulterer, one who has broken the most sacred bond of trust with their family. 

Few pundits and even fewer politicians understand Trump's popularity is a result of adultery, a betrayal of trust, a broken relationship. The Republican party has over the last two decades treated its base like the people of Boston treated Hester Prynne. Over and over again from the passage of the Medicare Prescription drug act to several attempts to pass comprehensive immigration reform the party leadership has ignored their base. Even before the election of Obama the relationship between the party and its base was in tension, but George W. Bush's commitment to national security and to fighting terrorism was strong enough that the base tolerated their ostracism. Since the election of 2008 the ruling class in the Republican party has talked like strong conservatives, promising to get spending under control, to secure the border, and to defund Planned Parenthood. Instead they have been complicit in the democratic efforts to destroy the country. Regardless of his bellicosity and arrogance Trump is both honest and authentic. The voters think that Trump can be trusted to listen to the people and to do what he says he will do, but they do not trust any Republican. (R) is the new scarlet letter.

The Republican Congress along with Bark Obama is perceived by most Republican voters as believing that the masses are woefully misinformed and misguided; they do not understand the challenges we face. Conservatives, they think, are at a disadvantage in any national election. The party spurns individual liberty in favor of the "common good," and call it "getting things done,"

The party spurns individual liberty in favor of the "common good," and call it "getting things done," 

claiming this is what their voters really wanted but fail to realize. The voters who elected them to carry out a conservative agenda really do not understand that our nation left those values behind long ago. The Republican base sees the establishment as living in a protected sterile environment untouched by the problems of our society constantly disenfranchising them. Three events have lead to this divide and opened the way for Trump.

The issue that draws the most fervent ire is what I refer as economic security and safety. The preamble to the US Constitution say the purpose of the federal government is "to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense." 7 of the eight years of George W. Bush's term, the national deficit was declining and the gross national product was increasing, the rate of violent crime was declining, Iraq and Afghanistan were secure and moving toward stability and after 9/11 there were no terrorist attacks. With the Congress back in Democratic hands in 2007 legislation was passed, including Sarbanes-Oxley and Dobb Frank, the government owned mortgage companies, FANNIE MAE, and SALLIE MAE, practice of making sub-prime mortgages, began a cycle of mortgage failures that affected many large financial institutions in the fall of 2008. George Bush along with the Federal Reserve lent money to many institutions that were "too big to fail." The infrastructure and executive leadership of those corporations were left in place; however, they began calling in mortgages and selling off assets which resulted in a housing market crash and massive unemployment. Although Obama claimed his stimulus had prevented the collapse of the economy, it had only protect the institutional leadership and structures that lead to the collapse. The middle class and lower class workers were displaced and decimated. People who used to have $25-$60/hour jobs now found themselves with a pickup truck working as handymen, their jobs now filled by immigrants both legal and illegal. 

After the 2008 market crash both parties united around the objective of protecting the political and business interest that had caused the crash. George W. Bush's TARP, and Barak Obama's stimulus furthered the economic disparity between the middle class and the elitist on Wallstreet and in government. I found it astounding that President Obama's charge now echoed by Elizabeth Warren that entrepreneurs like Romney and Trump were dependent upon government for their success was left unchallenged. They saw economic success as something government creates. Of course, no entrepreneur builds her business by herself, she has vendors, employees, contractors and others that help her, she in turn rewards them with the means to provide for themselves and their families. Government provides an infrastructure that allows these business to co-exist, but government doesn't build business, they are an obstacle to both growth and success. 

Theose communities in the country that have high taxes, convoluted regulatory environments, declining economies see infrastructure and social order crumbling, because business are leaving. Government and social organizations create neither a just nor a prosperous society. When Private-sector economic growth with government acting as a watchdog both justice, prosperity and liberty thrive.  Compare the states of Illinois and Michigan to either of their neighbors, Wisconsin and Indiana, to see that government is an obstacle to economic health.

Compare the states of Illinois and Michigan to either of their neighbors, Wisconsin and Indiana, to see that government is an obstacle to economic health.

When Republicans lament that the people elected them to get things done they misunderstand the values of the people. The people want a government that sets boundaries on actions so that all have equal opportunity, but they have no desire to see the government manage their lives. The  people did not want a government that got things done, but one that got out of the way of those who could improve their lives.

Before he addressed the economic crisis he inherited Obama lead the democratic machine in Congress to manipulate the legislative process to force the passage of the unpopular Affordable Care Act. An opposition movement of disenfranchised Americans called the Tea Party arose. The Tea Party was a group of previously disenfranchised middle-class Americans who decided to use their right of free speech and peaceful assembly, as liberal groups had done throughout the prior century, to raise public awareness and support for the crisis they saw looming. With Tea Party support many  Republican candidates ran for office on every level of government in 2010. They won a majority of seats at every level of government. The Republican party attained its largest governing majority since 1920's. Naturally, there were some losses of TEA Party candidates, but there was a net gain of Republican power across every level of government. It appeared to many that democratic domination of politics since 1932 had come to an end.

The Tea party gave the Republican party  more power than it had had since Teddy Roosevelt. . As the Tea Party candidates took office in  2011 many of the Republican politicians and consultants began maligning them as some radical dangerous group. Although in 2012 Mitt Ronmey's lost to Obama, the Republican majorities continued to increase at every level of government. The Republican Party on local state and federal level held as much power as it had since the turn of century. This time the Republican leadership was not so quick to malign the conservative voters; instead in 2014 Mitch Mc Connel, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, John Boehner ran re-election  campaigns on an agenda of stopping the decimation of America that Obama had started. Nearly every candidate ran on a policy of stopping illegal immigration, preventing the Iran deal, preserving our military gains in Afghanistan and Iraq. TEA Partiers and many conservative thought that finally the establishment had gotten the message.They were wrong. Beginning in 2015 Congress again supported Obama's agenda, and ignored their constituents.

The second issue that disgraced the party was its contempt of  conservatives, which  can be seen in the IRS/TEA party scandal. The democrats took the TEA party quite seriously, and understood their potential. There was an organized effort on the part of the Obama IRS to delay and deny tax exempt status to local TEA party groups, and the IRS harassed many conservative advocates who were exercising their constitutional right to free speech and assembly. The intent was to denude them before the 2012 elections. Congress held hearings, but they accomplished nothing. Lois Lerner illegally refused to testify and Eric Holder stonewalled the release of information. What could they have done? The Congresses has unlimited power to approve appropriations. The House of Representative could have refused to fund the IRS agencies responsible for approving 501c3 applications. Although Obama could have probably avoided impeachment. Holder, Koskinen, the IRS director, and Lerner could have been impeached. Obama would have spent most of his time defending his administration, which in an of itself would have stalled his agenda. Instead the Republicans did nothing to defend the people responsible for their victories. Again conservatives swallowed hard and continued voting Republican.

The third events that angered the voters was the Obama administrations exploitation of the Trevon Martin, Michael Brown and Fredie Gray shooting cases.  They exploited the victims in these cases merely to create an impression among many black Americans that institutional racism was still rampant in America, and that a black person was unable to get justice in a world controlled by privileged white people. Barak Obama's statement, "If I had a son, he would look like Trevon," was heard by African American's  to mean that they could not get justice in America. Eric Holder's  statement that he could only view the Michael Brown's case from the perspective  of a black  man should have disqualified him from leading the investigation. Marilyn Mosby's statement to the Baltimore rioters,  “To the people of Baltimore and demonstrators across America, I heard your calls for, 'No Justice, No peace.' Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man." Americans old enough to remember the summer of 64 and 68  began to wonder whether we were descending into a period of mob rule. Again Congress did nothing to protect the rights of  police the authority of cities or the liberties of average Americans from the "strong arm" tactics of the Obama Justice Department. 

The Obama administration inflamed the racial division in this country; in order to strengthen the illusion that only the Democratic party was interested in ending crime and poverty in the inner cities. Their candidates supported the Black Lives Matter movement which merely seeks to politically emasculate white-male-heterosexual-blue-collar Christians, whose prosperity is being punished through replacing their way of live with compensation for those considered victims. White-male- college students are being labeled as sexual predators, the working class white-Christian-american-heterosexual-males are oppressors. The President and the party that promised hope and change only stole their freedom replacing it with fear and fatalism. The Rise of the TEA Party and other groups was a cry for help to the Republican Party, who instead labeled them as fools and fanatics who needed to be silenced. That environment produced Trump.

Although Trump is no ideological Conservative he believes in the values that have made this nation prosperous. His 30 years of involvement in business, politics, writing and entertainment has made him a household name. Although he is not an evangelical when he says, "he is the best friend Christians have" many believe he realizes the importance of the Judeo-Christian influence better than past evangelical Presidents, Woodrow Wilson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and the many in Congress. They  not trust no Republican, Christian or otherwise, to remain true to their values. Some evangelicals believe Trump will be their friend. He will not be coming after them. Although many believe in the probity of Ben Carson and the sincerity of Ted Cruz, neither man has been able to reverse the course of the nation, because the Republican establishment looks at them as pariah. 

The fact that Cruz, Carson and Rubio are running as Republicans makes them guilty by association of the adultery the party has committed. (R) is the new scarlet letter. That is the reason for Trump success. It is precisely because he has not been a Republican for twenty years. It is true he has been a democrat, but he has been a democrat who believed in the exceptional-ism of the nation, and its greatness. Though he may not represent all of their values they believe he knows why American was been a "shining city on a hill," and can be trusted to attempt to re-light the torch. He is neither a conservative, a Christian or a Constitutionalist, but he will stop the destruction of liberty and prosperity.  Trump supporters are hardly enamored by his celebrity, most disapprove of his belicosity, but they do think he will restore what they have lost, or at least will try. 

The Republican Party has treated it's conservative base like the uninvited third cousin at Thanksgiving dinner, since the defeat of Barry Goldwater. Most the electorate today do not trust the Republican party. They trust Trump, and some trust Cruz, but he is at a disadvantage running as Republican, because an (R) next to his name is a scarlet letter. 


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