New Things Are Happening in SAMSON'S JAWBONE

I began Samson's Jawbone with the intention of helping Christian understand how to live "as a light in a post Christian era." We live in an increasingly secular world and are confronted daily with situations that challenge our Christian beliefs. It is becoming increasingly difficult to know the right thing to do. Persecution of Christian is increasing around the world and in the US the boundaries on our religious expression are becoming tighter. I started Samson's Jawbone in an attempt to help Christian understand a biblical world-view, and since all spiritual truth has moral outcomes and all moral or ethical questions are lived out in the public arena, JAWBONE unapologetically speak to social and political issues. Yes the blog reveals my biases, that is, I am convinced that a Christian world view is a conservative world view. Conservatives and Christian believe in responsible liberty, The gospel gives people freedom to make their own choices, but holds them  accountable to God and government for how those choices impact others. I also believe that those same Christian and conservative principle apply to economics and social order. JAWBONE defends capitalism

The second part of the blog is the page called ELISHA'S AX head. This page speaks to popular ly held understandings of scripture or sometimes theology that are actually contrary to what the Bible teaches. My belief is that if we are going to be that light of the world in a post-Christian era we are going to have more than a Sunday School knowledge of scripture. We are going to have to understand how to make choices biblically and we are going to dispel the common myths we have accepted that has lead to many inconsistencies and moral failing in in the church.

Just as SAMSON used the jawbone of a dead jackass to defeat the Philistines of his time I believe God calls all of us to use what he has given us to advance his kingdom purpose. I have prayed that God would use JAWBONE to help Christians them  understand how to live in a Post Christian era. I have a little over 100 followers around the world and have long sought to expand the blogs influence and make it more effective for Christians to know how to live in these difficult and complicated times. To broaden the influence and perspective in the blog, I am announcing a new  contributor to Jawbone's main page. I will continue exclusively writing ELISHA'S AX HEAD.

Our first JAWBONE contributor (and I hope in the years to come there will be more) is my lifelong friend David L. Miner of Altamonte Springs, Fl:

I met Dave when we both registered for  our undergraduate classes at the University of South Fl in late 1972. We have been comrades in ministry, mayhem, and yes some mischief for many years, although we lost contact with each other for a number of years, we reconnected recently on social media. Dave has been a businessman for many years and is founder of a discipleship ministry to inmates Prison Papers. Dave is neither a pastor nor a theologian. But he is a man who has followed Christ, yes like all of us his journey has taken him through valleys. He's has been faithful to God had great success and had personal and spiritual failures, but he is a man who who has persevered in the faith. Dave accepted Christ at age 20, on June 9, 1972. being extensively involved in ministry since then. In college he was a student leader in Campus Crusade for Christ, then church ministry where he has served as Sunday School teacher, to children, youth and adults, as preacher, then deacon and elder in a number of churches. Personal doctrinal views are somewhere between Southern Baptist and Assemblies of God. He is thorough evangelica and conservative inl both what he says and the way he lives his life.. He has also been an activist for Christian, conservative and capitalistic causes.

Dave will write next Jawbone post about a difficult choice all US Christians face. How can we participate in this upcoming Presidential election? After a primary season that had several prominent Christian conservatives candidates, at least on the Republican side, produced two candidates on both the Democratic and Republican tickets with whom evangelicals have strong moral objections. When faced with the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump what is the biblical responsibility of a believer? I look forward to reading Dave's answer.


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