If Not Anarchy, Then What?
Not Anarchy, Then What?
David L. Miner
In the last essay, we discussed anarchy. Many government
and media sources have told America so many times that the Right-Wing
Extremists hate the government and want to destroy it. They have
declared from their electronic pulpits that these so-called
extremists want nothing more than to disrupt the government to the
extent that America would be forced to retreat back to the Dark Ages.
This is just so much horsefeathers!
As we saw in that last essay, anarchy is actually
produced when the government creates so many laws unnaturally
restricting the inherent and God-given rights of the people that they
quite simply choose to not obey those laws. Most Americans cheat on
their income taxes, break the speed limits and in general ignore
those laws seen as petty, confusing or just not right. It is this
disobedience on the part of the typical person of so many laws
created just to control the people that is the beginning of anarchy.
If the people of America go much further in their attempt to ignore
the laws of this country, and the authority behind those laws, then
America will experience true anarchy for the first time in its
But these so-called right-wingers do not want anarchy.
They do not hate the government. They don’t even want to dismantle
the federal government. In fact, this very large group of
conservative Americans could never get unified enough to bring about
the anarchy that they are so dishonestly accused of wanting. In a
recent report to Congress, the FBI had stated that this conservative
movement comprised about 125 million Americans. This is a very large
group of people to be called “extremists!’ But no one who is
familiar with this large group of Americans could ever believe that
they could want to bring about anarchy.
The entire right-wing movement known as Constitutional
Americans is unified in ONLY one thing! Constitutional Americans are
totally dedicated and committed to the government that was created
more than 220 years ago. Not necessarily dedicated and committed to
what that government has evolved into,
but definitely dedicated and committed to
the government that America was created to have. And what is that
type of government? That type of government is known as a
Constitutional Republic.
The Founding Fathers explored and discussed different
aspects of just about every form of government known to mankind. They
even discussed combinations of those types of governments. After all
was said and done, the Founding Fathers decided on a Constitutional
Republic as the ONLY type
of government capable of giving the degree of freedom they believed
all Americans should have.
What’s this, you say? You
thought America was a democracy? After
all, do we not hear virtually every politician, educator and media
talking head tell us daily that America is a democracy? Yes, that is
what they tell us. But they are flat wrong and they know it! America
is, was , and
always will be a republic.
Because our educational system is committed to
convincing young Americans that the USA is a democracy, it is
entirely possible that you may not know the difference between a
democracy and a republic. There are a great many books which have
been penned over the years to discuss this very important question,
so we will not attempt an
exhaustive description here. But we will offer some
small attempt at clarification as the space permits.
In a democracy, the will of the majority always sets the
rules. No matter what you or I want (or don’t
want!), we must submit to the will of the
majority. We will submit voluntarily or we will submit by force, but
we will submit
to the decisions of the majority in a democracy. In a Constitutional
republic, the will of the majority can never
displace the rights of the individual. In fact, in a republic, the
rights of the individual are carried to an extreme, when compared to
any other type of government in history.
Let us make this a little more clear. In a democracy, if
Americans want to pursue a course of action, they simply vote on it.
If the majority agree, then that course of action becomes law. In a
republic, that course of action MUST be
Constitutional or it cannot occur. It doesn’t matter if every
American wants that course of action, if the Constitution does not
allow it America just can’t do it!
Few political decisions are made in our modern America
without first taking a number of polls. So many Americans are
convinced that we are a democracy that our politicians know a high
approval rating is the only thing necessary to pass legislation. The
Constitutional basis for the legislation is totally ignored as long
as a high number of Americans approve of it.
There have been many democracies over the ages. But no
democracy has ever remained strong for very long. As soon as the
people realize they can make all the decisions, they simply vote
themselves a raise. This is happening in America today. Americans
want so many benefits that we have a terrible tax system to support
our demands. And things are getting worse every day.
federal government has given us a detailed and thorough definition of
democracy. They would never use the definition today, however,
because it points out the clear attempt to move America in a
direction that was once considered unconstitutional, even treasonous.
Taken from the American Military Training Manual, 1928:
Taken from the American Military Training Manual, 1928:
DEMOCRACY: a government of the masses. Authority
derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression.
Results in a mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic,
negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the
majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or
governed by passion, prejudice and impulse without restraint or
regard to consequences. Results in demogogism, license, agitation,
discontent, anarchy.
Remember, if you are in a democracy and the majority of
the people decide to become cannibals, you join them or you become
have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever
been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of
property and have in general been as short in their lives as they
have been violent in their deaths."
-- President James Madison
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