The 800 Pound Gorilla in the Debate Hall
you noticed that ever since Reagan said to Carter "there you go
again," the Presidential debates have been either innocuous or
controlled to advance a liberal agenda? Until Candy Crowley moderated
the Ryan/ Biden Vice Presidential debate and interrupted Congressman
Ryan 176 times, making her own political assertions, it was done
through loaded questions and subtle suggestions. Now a moderator is
extolled for their “Candy Crowley moments.” They are supposed to
"fact check," which is a euphemism for measuring what a
candidate says against the approved media narrative. Fact checking
seldom involves an
examination of official records, or peer reviewed sources
but a google search for pseudo-commentary
to make the moderator seem credible. Who chooses these moderators?
Who makes the rules? Why do we call them debates? Are they? Are there
two sides of an argument allowed? What do we really learn from these
debates are usually opened by a "has been" but dignified
politician speaking for "The Commission on Presidential
Debates." This emcee is one of these commissioners. They begin
by announcing the distinguished liberal or pseudo-conservative media
moderator whose only qualification for moderating is a communications
degree from a liberal university. This is the way these debates have
been organized for the last several election cycles. Each candidate
used to have opening statements, which allowed them to at least for a
moment share their vision for the country, but now the opening
question from the moderator quickly takes the focus off the issues:
"Governor Reagan is age an issue in this campaign?""Mr. Vice President Quayle, how do you spell potato?""Mr. Speaker while married to your second wife did you tell her that you wanted an open marriage?""Governor do you believe states can prohibit birth control?""Mr. Trump did you talk about that lady's nasty?"
questions are loaded questions;
they are designed to set a trap for those who would answer them. They
are targeted to one candidate and designed to keep them on the
defensive, while making the other look pure as the driven snow. They
are designed to shield the media's candidate from criticism. but
worse than that they are designed to establish the moderators as
modern day High Priest of the Sanhedrin.
These moderators placed in their role by this invisible force The Commission on Presidential debates becomes the imprimatur of Ameriican morality and decency. These self-appointed former politicians on the Commission for Presidential Debates, as Wiki leaks has now shown, collude with patronizing unaccountable television news personalities to destroy the candidate they don't like. These moderators then spend the next 90 - 120 minutes convincing the world of their sagacity. Who gave these people control of these debates?
They are designed to shield the media's candidate from criticism. but worse than that they are designed to establish the moderators as modern day High Priest of the Sanhedrin.
These moderators placed in their role by this invisible force The Commission on Presidential debates becomes the imprimatur of Ameriican morality and decency. These self-appointed former politicians on the Commission for Presidential Debates, as Wiki leaks has now shown, collude with patronizing unaccountable television news personalities to destroy the candidate they don't like. These moderators then spend the next 90 - 120 minutes convincing the world of their sagacity. Who gave these people control of these debates?
the auspice of ombudsman-ship The Commission on Presidential Debates
has become the 800 pound gorilla in the debate hall. Instead
of debates where two people with divergent visions present them to
the public' offer rebuttals to to each other, these events become
tools for obfuscation. We know this is true because immediately after
the debate these same arbiters of public opinion tell the public
which candidates is "the winner." Since when
do the umpires and referees declare the winner! This
determination is often based on the immediate emotional response of a
supposedly unbiased, undecided group of voters (who if by this time
they are still undecided must be complete bafoons or they spend all
their time watching the Muppets). This group of people then become
spokesmen for what the American people supposedly believe about the
candidates performance. These people tell us which candidate is the
best for America's future, and we are supposed to accept their
opinion. Then the media will spend every news day between debates
going to great links to find people who can testify to their horrible
things the bad candidate has done. This is the 800 pound gorilla in
the debate halls. The Commission on Presidential Debates is managed
to create a venue where the media controls the political ideology of
the campaign season. They are the censorship bureau for the political
control who attends the events and where they sit in the room. They
prohibit the audience from reacting, ostensibly to manage the time,
but obviously it is so they can determine what the reaction will be.
The last debate was a clear example of censorship. The venue was
designed to convince the American People that Hillary Clinton was the
resurrected, persecuted Virgin Mary and Donald Trump was rapist Ted
Bundy. That's what we are supposed to believe people because the main
stream media says so.
since Bill Clinton declared his candidacy for President the media has
portrayed Hillary as the loyal wife who has stood next to her misogynist husband, because that is all a woman can do. The narrative
we are being sold is (and believe me they were setting up Cruz for
the same narrative, remember when it looked like he might win
suddenly 5 neglected abused mistresses suddenly appeared. The saint
was defrocked) that both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are
predators. We know that, because all men are predators, but
Republicans are serial abusers. Conservative men are too stupid and
too driven by sex do anything but oppress poor helpless women and
passive gentlemen who get in their way. These people want to replace
male role models like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood with Colin
Kapernik and Prince.
debates are very carefully manipulated events. The last debate
billed as a town hall had only five questions. None had anything to
do with the economy, national security, or maintaining a civil
society. Where was the dialogue with the American people and with
each other? These cacophony's are designed to create a narrative the
left has been selling for years. That conservatives are abusers and
liberals are compassionate. It's time for the American people,
especially women to wake up. They
are playing you. And while the Commission on Presidential debates may
be the orchestra. Rest assured the democratic party is the conductor.
I've heard some people claim the next debate will be honest because
Chris Wallace of Fox News is the moderator. For those who don't know
who Chris Wallace is Google him. The apple seldom falls far from the
tree, and Wallace like most of us gets more like his father, the
older he gets. Take heart we know he's qualified 'the bi-partisan
Commission on Presidential Debate carefully and judiciously selected
Commission on Presidential Debates
was established for one reason to make sure the narrative is
controlled by the establishment of the both parties.
The Commission on Presidential debates was formed after the 1992 election cycle. Prior to that time debates were sponsored by private non-profit civic groups, most commonly the League of Women Voters. They were seldom political organizations, and they met with candidates and worked out the terms in advance of each election cycle. The debates had opening and closing statements. The moderators were approved by both sides, and the League guarded objectivity. It worked pretty good. But the League of Women votes commited the unpardonable sin of American politics in 1992. They put the interest of the people above the good old boys.
The Commission on Presidential Debates was established for one reason to make sure the narrative is controlled by the establishment of the both parties.
The Commission on Presidential debates was formed after the 1992 election cycle. Prior to that time debates were sponsored by private non-profit civic groups, most commonly the League of Women Voters. They were seldom political organizations, and they met with candidates and worked out the terms in advance of each election cycle. The debates had opening and closing statements. The moderators were approved by both sides, and the League guarded objectivity. It worked pretty good. But the League of Women votes commited the unpardonable sin of American politics in 1992. They put the interest of the people above the good old boys.
Perot's Reformed Party candidate was immensely popular, so they let
Ross join the debate, and he made some sense. The Republicans were
upset because George Bush got bored with the whole thing looked at
his watch, seemed disinterested and lost the debate and subsequently
the election. The Democrats were upset because Perot's new party,
though assuring Clinton election in 1992 (because that's what third
party candidates do) was mainly made up a constituency of blue collar
and union workers. It was a threat to the democratic party. So after
the election the analyst, the media and the political consultants
decided they had to protect the their club. They could not let the
people control the information. So the Republicans and Democrats did
an amazing thing. They came together to get something done. The
problem (as usual) was what they did. They sought to maintain the
stranglehold the two party establishments had on power. How could
they allow people running the debates whom they could not control.
understandable the League of Women voters did an unconciousonable
thing. The allowed businessman, who had no political attachments, and
who understood the game they were playing to have a voice in American
politics. So the 800 pound gorilla was born. The gorilla was born
for one reason to make sure the donor class and the media control the
political messaging in America. To make sure emotions were stirred.
To make sure that candidates won who knew that only government could
solve our problems. They formed to make insurgents appear to be
the next time you watch how much attention is given to Frank Luntz's
focus groups little dials than to the issues that face our country.
Rest assured the object is to protect the narrative that Hillary
Clinton is the Virgin Mary and that Donald Trump is Ted Bundy. The
Commission on Presidential Debates have turned the debates into a
game, and the American people are being played. Am I going to watch
the next debate? Well of course I am, I have long admired
ventriloquism and the commission is one of the greatest. The whole
thing is designed so that the establishment line comes out of the
moderator's wooden lips. The reason ventriloquism is entertaining is
you do not realize who it is whose is making the dummy talk. As long
as the Commission on Presidential Debates serves as the censorship
bureau for the establishment, these debates will be nothing but a
comedy routine. In fact, that has become the very purpose it serves
and that is the 800 pound gorilla in the debate hall.
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