
Showing posts from December, 2016

Samson's Jawbone: DemocraticLiesby David L. MinerIrecently saw Ge...

Samson's Jawbone: DemocraticLiesby David L. Miner Irecently saw Ge... : Democratic Lies by David L. Miner I recently saw George Stephanopoulos interview our Vice President Elect on ABC's This We...
Democratic Lies by David L. Miner I recently saw George Stephanopoulos interview our Vice President Elect on ABC's This Week. In that interview, there were a number of statements and claims by Trump that were challenged, but none so pointedly as Trump's Tweet from a few days ago where he claimed he would have won the popular vote if we deducted the millions of illegal votes that were cast. Stephanopoulos called that claim a lie and said there is no evidence for that claim. For the most part, Pense did a good job during that interview. But Pense proved once again something I have been saying for more than 20 years. Democrats are better at lying than Republicans are at rebutting those lies. There is no excuse for doing a bad job of rebutting a lie. I don't care how nice you want to be or how gentle you want to be or how diplomatic you want to be, there is no excuse for doing a bad job of rebutting a lie. And Stephanopoulos told a lie. More sp...

Samson's Jawbone: Is Dave Miner a True Christian Conservative? His S...

The election was very divisive among Conservative Christians. This post addresses the essence of Conservative Christianity. Samson's Jawbone: Is Dave Miner a True Christian Conservative? His S... : With the election of Donald Trump many of the standard political categories and definitions no longer apply. Is Trump a conservative, a pop...

Is Dave Miner a True Christian Conservative? His Sport Preferences Reveal A Lot.

With the election of Donald Trump many of the standard political categories and definitions no longer apply. Is Trump a conservative, a populist, a neo-con, a moderate, a nationalist? How do we understand true conservatism? I believe a person's political identity can be easily defined, not by the politicians they sponsor or the ideology that guides them, you know where a person stands politically by their athletic preferences. During the recent baseball National League Championship Series, I made a Facebook post calling on Conservatives to support the Chicago Cubs, who eventually won the series. Dave Miner, the co-author of this blog replied asking, "what football team is that?" I have known Dave for over 40 years and have never questioned his conservative credentials until that post. A true conservative is a baseball fan! Another pseudo conservative friend commented on a post I made about the American League Championship Series that revealed that she fails t o understa...