Are All Liberals Socialists?

By David L. Miner

Some people believe Socialism is good. Others think Democrats are good. They both point to the same benefits and the same beliefs.

Some people believe that Liberals and Democrats are the same. I am convinced that they are different, but so far I can find no evidence to support my belief.

But allow me to make a statement before engaging in the analyses of socialistic views.

The Constitution for the United States of America requires a republican form of government. [The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. Article 4 Section 4] Socialists intend to change that, and Democrats try to chip around the edges of that Constitution every day on the same issues as Socialists. That means Socialists and any Liberals and Democrats who share these beliefs are involved in trying to overthrow our constitutional form of government.

In addition, all Socialists and all Liberals directly or indirectly attack the Tenth Amendment. [The powers not delegated to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Amendment X, Constitution] This means the federal government cannot grow in size or scope without further amendment. And yet pretty much everything pursued by either Liberals or Socialists seek to expand the size or scope or both of the federal government. And with every increase in the government, there is a decrease in the powers of the States or the rights of the people.

Take education for an example of the federal government taking over something that belongs to the States and to the people is education. When the federal government took over education, it gave itself the power to demand curriculum content, and then to enforce that demand. So Civics was removed from the curricula so students would not study the Great Document that forbids this Socialistic takeover. And then biology classes included sex education, something that was always reserved to the people. And then students were required to study sexual practice and the use of condoms, and parents were arrested when they kept their children out of classes whose content violated their personally-held religious convictions.

Another example of the federal government taking over the responsibilities of the States and the rights of the people is healthcare. No section of the Constitution or its Amendments grant the federal government authority or jurisdiction over healthcare. Yet ObamaCare directly stole authority and jurisdiction over healthcare from the States. Further, to make nationalized healthcare work, the federal government required that each and every American purchase healthcare from a federally created or federally approved source,something the Constitution does not allow. So ObamaCare stole authority from the States and stole rights from the people. All without amendment to the Constitution. The claim of “interstate commerce” was a lie, and Congress and Omaba knew it. There was no interstate commerce in healthcare until the federal government took it over. But the Socialists and the Liberals loved it. Why? Because it destroyed the Tenth Amendment and increased the size and scope of the federal government without amending the Constitution.

Still another example of the federal government taking over powers that the Constitution forbids is guns. According to the Supreme Court in Lopez v. the United States, the federal Constitution gives the federal government absolutely no authority over gun ownership or gun possession within the Several States. After years of unconstitutional authority over guns, a number of States have caught on to this usurpation of power and passed State laws that restrict federal jurisdiction over gun manufacture and gun sales if the weapon is manufactured within the State and then sold to a citizen of that State.

And the recent movement to legalize marijuana in several States is the current rebellion against federal power that the central government has awarded itself.

This is the goal of the Socialists and the Liberals in America – elimination of the restrictions placed on the federal government by the Constitution..

Socialists, and to a great extent Liberals and Democrats, push to exceed or violate the Tenth Amendment in every way. That means Socialists, and any Liberals and Democrats who share these beliefs, are involved in trying to overthrow our constitutional form of government.

That means Socialists, and most Liberals and Democrats, are directly or indirectly involved in insurrection. And the Constitution tells us no elected representative in the federal government can engage in insurrection. If they do, they are to be immediately ejected from their elected position.

Bernie Sanders should never have been able to run for the office of President because he should have been in prison for treason!

The basic tenets of socialism [and Democrats] are:
1. Seduce the populace into accepting the government as the arbitrator of all problems. In other words, federal government jurisdiction from cradle-to-grave
2. Begin delivering on those services to make the citizens dependent
3. Take away the citizens’ guns
4. Increase taxes on all services while destroying any free market alternative services
5. Blame the chosen scapegoat [Capitalism] for the inability to meet demand for services
6. Have the centralized national police force round up any dissidents

Socialism cannot work because the cost of services must be collected in the form of taxes, and this is not a sustainable possibility. The reason is that since government pays for all services, neither the producer nor the consumer cares about the cost and, hence, there is an uncontrolled spiral of inflation (today’s medical costs are a case in point and healthcare is not yet totally socialized). Furthermore, the government has no funds or assets. It only has the funds it confiscated from its citizens, along with the assets held in trust for them. The total inefficiency of a centralized bureaucracy does not help either.

Democratic politicians have the same exact problems. And please notice that Democrats have accomplished the first five steps above, and have begun to work on the last step. That was the purpose of assigning to the Internal Revenue Serve the responsibility of collecting “insurance premiums” under ObamaCare When insurance premiums are collected as a tax, non-payment becomes a crime.

The Government is required by the Constitution to put down all insurrections. So far, the government has failed with this insurrection.

So, are all Liberals Socialists? In a word, yes.


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