
Showing posts from August, 2017

Samson's Jawbone: The Memory of My Distant Cousin Brings Value to th...

Samson's Jawbone: The Memory of My Distant Cousin Brings Value to th... : The nation watched in horror this weekend as a perverse, angry, bigoted, ignominious white supremacist drove his vehicle into a crowd of li...

The Memory of My Distant Cousin Brings Value to the Tragedy in Charlottesville

The nation watched in horror this weekend as a perverse, angry, bigoted, ignominious white supremacist drove his vehicle into a crowd of liberal ANTIFA demonstrators, killing mercilessly a beautiful young woman. Later in the day as a result of a police helicopter crash two Virgina State Troopers were killed. President Trump denounced the violence, saying correctly, that it had occurred due to violence on "all sides." Virginia governor Terry Macaulife told the White supremacist groups to go home. Pundits and prognosticators were quick to blame the extreme right organizations and their leaders for the young woman's death. Christian web-sites and Pastors denounced "the hate" that the white supremacist had supposedly perpetrated on Charlottesville. The next day two white supremacist leaders sought to have a press conference to defend their group from culpability for these events. The citizens of Charlottesville shouted them down and drove them out of the city, and ...