
Showing posts from October, 2017

Samson's Jawbone: Women’s Equal Rights in the Bible

Samson's Jawbone: Women’s Equal Rights in the Bible : by David L. Miner I have discovered in the past few years that there is a large group of men, along with a surprising number of w...

Women’s Equal Rights in the Bible

by David L. Miner I have discovered in the past few years that there is a large group of men, along with a surprising number of women, who hold to the view that women are junior members of Christianity, intended by God to be subservient creatures put here to serve and to follow and to submit to men. This belief was totally foreign to me until just a couple of years ago. And until several months ago, I thought this was only a small group of men way out on the fringe of what can barely be called Christianity, consisting of men who knew a very limited number of Scripture verses and practiced even less. Now I fear that the group is far larger than I imagined. But Goliath or not, I believe that these men are absolutely wrong in their understanding of Scripture, and in their attempt at subjugating half the world’s population. I saw on Facebook earlier last month a statement by a man that women were to be in submission to men and that this was clearly taught in Script...

Samson's Jawbone: NFL: Can't You at Least Stand in Honor of the 59 W...

Samson's Jawbone: NFL: Can't You at Least Stand in Honor of the 59 W... : I have never been a football fan, but I occasionally enjoy a good game. There is nothing quite like a surprise comeback on the football fi...

NFL: Can't You at Least Stand in Honor of the 59 Who Died

I have never been a football fan, but I occasionally enjoy a good game. There is nothing quite like a surprise comeback on the football field. Last year's Superbowl was amazing! The NFL was once the common ground where all Americans came together to celebrate what was good about America. It has taken the role that baseball fulfilled for 100 years. One of the reasons for its ascension has been a multi-faceted, multi-directional game is more easily comprehended on TV, than it is on radio. Whereas baseball is a linear, sequential game; it seems drawn out on TV, but is perfect for radio. So in the Post World War I era the rise of radio lead to baseball becoming the national pastime, following World War 2 with the rise of television football became a great national unifying force for the country with a lot of help from the federal government. The National Football League is a quasi-government corporation. The NFL is exempt from the anti-trust laws. They carry out their business i...

Samson's Jawbone: A SAMSON'S JAWBONE ANNOUNCEMENT: Dave Miner publis...

Samson's Jawbone: A SAMSON'S JAWBONE ANNOUNCEMENT: Dave Miner publis... : Jawbone Contributor Dave Miner has release his first Novel.  Revolution The U.S financial system collapses The U.S. Presiden...

A SAMSON'S JAWBONE ANNOUNCEMENT: Dave Miner publishes his first Novel

Jawbone Contributor Dave Miner has release his first Novel.  Revolution The U.S financial system collapses The U.S. President surrenders the country under U.N. sovereignty. Martial Law is declared and conservative supporters of the Constitution  are arrested. It' an exciting and intriguing scenario that could happen in our life times.  Available on Amazon This is Dave's second book.  His first book is perhaps the most needed book in the church today Lot's of para-church ministries claim to build disciples.  Few of their models work in local churches. Dave is a layman who has been effectively building disciples in churches for over 30 years in his first book he shares his principles and insights with us. Available on Amazon I just downloaded both to my tablet. You should too.