
Showing posts from November, 2017

Samson's Jawbone: Thriving Amidst the Danger of Worship

Samson's Jawbone: Thriving Amidst the Danger of Worship : by Glenn A. Griffis Some of the great worship events of scripture are substantially different from what the contemporary worship movem...

Thriving Amidst the Danger of Worship

by Glenn A. Griffis Some of the great worship events of scripture are substantially different from what the contemporary worship movement brings to the church. In many biblical worship events solemnity precedes celebration(2 Chrn 7:8 - 10). Contrition and corrective discipline is common in biblical worship  (Ezra 10; 1 Cor 5:9-12) Often worship leaves us prostrate before the Lord (Jd 13:20;Rev 1:17). In the Bible worship diminishes man and blesses or extols God.  Isaiah saw the Lord "in the year of King Uzziah's death." Uzziah was a "righteous, godly, prosperous King," who thought his accomplishment made him worthy to  lead worship . He usurped the role that belong to the priests alone. The great popular godly King Uzziah was struck down for making himself central in worship. (Is 6:1). When reflecting on the godly, righteous servant of God dying as a pitiful leper Isaiah is terrified at his vision of God's holiness. Yet what I see in much conte...