
Showing posts from July, 2021

Let's Don't Get Our Theology From Sean Hannity

  I miss Rush Limbaugh. I listened to him when I could for over 30 years. Although Rush avoided discussing religion on his show from time-to-time he would make comments about his faith. Although we never know the reality of a person's heart from what I have heard over the years I expect to see Rush in heaven. I am uncertain about his heir apparent, Sean Hannity who seems to have an eclectic mix of theologies. After watching his program last week where he interviewed  Pastor Matt Weise it's clear we can't get our theology from Sean Hannity. Weise claims to have had a near death experience. He claims to have had a series of visions of hell and declares that God has given him those visions to scare people in to the kingdom. He never once quotes or allude to any scripture: never mentioned Christ, sin, but only declared himself to be God's messenger for our age. After the interview Hannity declared "I believe in these near death experiences," Even a cursory reading...