Did Israel and the Early Church Practice Social Justice?
Many woke evangelicals will argue that both the nation of Israel and the early church were communal societies, and that socialism is more aligned with a capitalistic view. In this the third of my series on woke Christianity. I will answer the two most common examples that are cited by Progressive Christians as example of Biblically sanctioned wealth redistribution. I have all ready demonstrated that the commonly cited texts of Matthew 25:31-46 and Luke 10:25-37 do not support the establishment of a social welfare state. One of the great misconceptions I often hear espoused is that Israel and early church were similar to a modern socialist systems. The two examples I am given are the year of Jublilee in the Old Testament and a description of the early church in Acts. The concept of Sabbath rest is central to the Old Testament. The Year of Jubilee establishes a Seventh Year of Rest. The concept was that the economy would go through a reset on the The Jubilee Years; unpa...