What Donald Trump Must Do to Win the 2024 Nomination and Go On to Victory.

One thing the January 6th hearing proved was that the Demonrat party is still very much afraid of Donald Trump. Unsurprisingly, the committee has spoken, accusing Donald Trump of insurrection and filing criminal indictments against him in the matter of the Jan 6th capitol disturbances. Their intent has been to punish him for his victory in 2016 and prevent him from ever running again. It was a predetermined outcome. But it has apparently hurt Donald Trump effectively, and combined with the disappointing midterm, it is almost certain that if Joe Biden and Donald Trump were on the ballot today Trump would lose resoundingly. 

I say this as an unapologetic Trump supporter who wants nothing more than for him to get the nomination and return to the White House in 2025. Here's what I think Trump needs to do to win in 2024:

1. Trump needs to acknowledge the failure of the COVID 19 vaccine program.  This can be done carefully. Trump can acknowledge the many things he did to fight COVID 19 and praise the speed of the vaccine turnout, but he also needs to acknowledge that the task force lead by then Vice President Mike Pence was too narrowly focused on vaccines and government controls. Hindsight has made it clear that the vaccines were little more than placebos for demographic groups that were not at risk of COVID. The plan to shut down the economy even for the initial 14 days proves conclusively that VP Pence should never be put in charge of anything. Additionally, Trump must acknowledge that the drug cartel in this country deceived him, and the American people. 

2. Trump has a lot of fence mending to do. Trump did something in 2020 that no former President has ever done, and the historians have always warned against. He made endorsement in the primaries. The election in PA was a classic example of that failed strategy. Both of OZ Mehmet' opponents in PA were Pro Trump Republicans who could have beaten Fetterman. Trump's endorsement of OZ over Mc Donald was responsible for the loss of a Senate seat. Trump's turning on Mo Brooks, who refused to acknowledge Trump's election loss was perhaps the biggest mistake of his career. Brooks was unwaveringly loyal to Trump when he was in office. Britt's history has always aligned her the Republican establishment, it is yet to be seen whether she will be loyal to the MAGA right once she takes office. Personally, I think she almost immediately abandon the MAGA right. Walker was another example. Any of His primary opponents would have defeated Warnock. Trump has to accept some of the blame for Republican losses and begin reaching out to some of those who he has alienated like Bob Mc Donald, and Mo Brooks. 

3. Trump must align with DeSantis. One thing is certain Trump cannot win the 2024 election without a major win in Florida. De Santis is the leader of the Republican party in Fl. Trump and De Santis cannot run together as the 12th Amendment prohibit the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees from residing in the same state. If either Trump or DeSantis wins the nomination without the support of the other the Fl Republican vote will be divided and either will lose. Both must acknowledge their difference and pledge to support the Republican nominee.

4. Trump must completely reorganize his campaign. The people currently influencing Trump seem to be giving him repeated bad advice. He needs to clean house. The first-person Trump needs to distance himself from in 'snake oil salesman" Mike Lundell. Lundell who is absolutely loyal to Trump is the Minnesota entrepreneur, and owner of "My Pillow."  This is one of those products that has been successful completely because of the way it is marketed. It is the greatest example of the success of a totally useless product since entrepreneur Gary Dahl got rich sell the The Pet Rock. Lundell is an eccentric who has promogulated several different farfetched theories on how Trump lost the election. He is embroiled is several legal battles over his claims. He has attacked some of the constructive critics of Trump like Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka, who are absolutely loyal and helped Trump overcome impossible odds the first time.  These are people who have stood loyal to Trump at great costs to themselves, their own careers and business. Banon has warned Trump that his 2024 advisors are taking him on a wrong course.

5. Trump must return to a strategy that gives dominates the media strategy. Prior to the 2020 election Trump replace his prior media advisor Gary Pascale with several professional consultants, and he lost control of the narrative again in 2020. Trump must bring some of the old stalwarts back. 

6. Trump must make a surprise VP nomination. My recommendation for VP would be former General Mike Flynn. Flynn's support of Trump cost him more than any person alive and it would immediately highlight the differences between the establishment Republicans and the MAGA crowd. 

I hope Trump runs in 2024; however, winning the 2024 General election will be difficult for Trump. It cannot happen without all 6 recommendations. Or, at least that's what I think. 


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