Nailing the Coffin Shut on Revelatory Gifts: The Sufficiency of Scripture (Part2 con't)
The prominent Southern Baptist continuationist scholar says in his SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine says," We can define the sufficiency of Scripture as follows: The Sufficiency of Scripture means that Scripture contained in all the words of God he intended his people to have at each stage of redemptive history, and that it now contains all the words of God we need for salvation, for trusting him perfectly, and for obeying him perfectly. This definition emphasizes that it is the Scripture alone that we are to search for Gods words to us. It also reminds us that God considers what he has told us in the Bible to be enough for us, and that we should rejoice in the great revelation that he has given us and be content with it [italics mine]." If Grudem's definition represents the Biblical doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture, then why do we need the revelatory gifts of tongues, knowledge and prophecy? Doesn't it make senses that the "...