
Showing posts from July, 2023

Nailing the Coffin Shut on Continuationism: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Part 3)

Many coninuationists, like Dr Wayne Garden referenced in the prior post, would affirm the completion of the Canon, the sufficiency of Scripture. But they, would argue, that cessationist's failure to recognize the present charismata shows a faulty understanding of pneumatology, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, and a diminished appreciation of the Spirit. Does a proper understanding of the Spirit require an openness to experience Pentecostal phenomena? This post will attempt to survey certain aspect of pneumatology: W hy did the Holy Spirit come; How is his work realized in a believer's life?  From the middle of the 1st Century until the 1901 Azusa Street Revivals (1850 years) the charismata, tongues, prophecy knowledge, healings and miracles were nearly absent from the life of the church. Was the church blind to the accurate and full understanding of the Spirit; was there some reason God was withholding the Spirit's power; or was there a fuller experience of the Spirit that ...