Nailing the Coffin Shut on Continuationism: Answering Charismatic Objections to Cessationism
We have established that tongues, prophecy and knowledge serve no contemporary revelatory purpose, because the Scriptures are sufficient revelation for life and godliness (John 17:16-19: 2Pt 1: 3&5). We have established that tongues are not the normal or expected sign of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We have established that the 20th and 21st century charismatic phenomenon bears no resemblance to their first century expressions. We can conclude that charismatic gifts as practiced in the first century have passed away. There is no biblical reason to expect them to reappear in the everyday experience of believers. So instead of defending cessationism we should ask what is the biblical basis for expecting a continuation of Pentecost? My Pentecostal friends are unable to provide a positive defense for their positions, so they offer their experience along with what they believe are negative objections to continuationism. We will raise the common objections and answer e...