How Colin Kaepernik and the NFL Disparage America

Colin Kapernik and several other NFL players have declined to participate in a variety of salutes to the country ahead of televised NFL games, claiming they are doing so in protest to our country's systemic oppression of Black Americans. Some principally African Americans point to recent police shootings of back males to justify their actions. The facts do not support the premise of the protest.

When the NFL allows these protest to go forward they endorse a specious cause. Some will argue that the NFL is unable to limit the free expression of its players, in fact, the NFL frequently censors its players when they express an opinion contrary to the leagues preferred narrative. Less than a month ago the league prohibited players on the Dallas Cowboys from wearing stickers on their helmets in memorial of the six officers slain there last July. The league claimed stickers on player helmets was an equipment violation. The league prohibits players from prompting  personal causes on league equipment. Yet Kaepernick while in full uniform on a nationally broadcast game is allowed to express his umbrage at a nation he calls oppressive. Kaepernik's in uniform protest belies the credibility of the leagues claim they are unable to regulate speech. Rather it is an endorsement of his views. What the Kaepernick protest demonstrates is that the NFL promotes a political agenda.

What the Kaepernick protest demonstrates is that the NFL promotes a political agenda.

The NFL approves of the  maligning of those who have died in service to America, and prohibits their players from honoring those who do. The NFL practices systemic racism and is an anti- American organization.

Equally ludicrous are those Christian leaders (like Indiana's Nate Pyle) who compare Kaepernick to those biblical characters who stood against oppression. The fact is that biblical leaders who protested oppression also called upon believers to honor, and respect national values. Moses lead over six-million people out of bondage. However, he never once protested the Pharaoh's government, and did himself lead Israel to establish an indentured servant system. Jeremiah spoke to the Kings and false prophets of Israel about their national sin, but called upon the Jews to be good citizens and productive members  to seek the economic and political welfare of the country where they lived (Jeremiah 29:1-8). Daniel prospered under the authority of the King (Daniel 6:28). While John the Baptist clearly condemned Herod for his sin, he never spoke against corrupt Roman rule. Jesus himself never spoke against slavery, or the corruption of the Roman government and was in fact criticized for insensitivity to the poor (Matthew 26:6- 13). Although Paul called on Philemon to free his slave, Onesimus, because of his love for Christ and the gospel, he returned Onesimus to Philemon without only an implicit protest of slavery. 

While liberating the oppressed and helping the poor (Isaiah 61:1-5; Micah 3; Luke 4:18) are clearly part of the church's work, citizenship, respect for country and giving honor where it is due is a mandate of  Christian social discipleship:
6 For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7  Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. (Ro 13:6-7) ESV
Those who have effectively reformed systemic racism institutions have done so by persuading the citizenry that those actions are contrary to national values. Dr. Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech was a call for the nation to honor their values  He called upon Americans to honor the values of the country. ".When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir."  The entire speech was effective because it called people to unite around national values.  Nelson Mandella called upon liberated black Africans to honor the national rugby team. He understood that racism is overcome when people embrace common values. 

Mandella and King understood that oppresion comes to an end when people are united together for liberty.
Does the NFL want to promulgate a divisive anti American message? Apparently they do!

Those who love liberty hate racism and worshiper of God will follow the Apostle Paul' s admonition to "honor those to whom honor is due." If the NFL seeks to continue to be Americas game they will  disavow and discipline players who disparage th country. What Colin. Kaepernik does when he's off the field is his business, but in uniform he speak for  the NFL. Does the NFL want to promulgate a divisive anti American message? Apparently they do!


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