Can People of Faith be Comfortable with Newt Gingrich
People of faith can be comfortable with Newt Gingrich for President. Evangelicals are people of principle, rightly so, as people whose world view is based on the scripture we are seeking a candidate for President who will help to rebuild the country's Judaeo-Chritian heritage. There is a movement to marginalize the influence of the church. In a post modern world many Christians have become the pariah' of the media and the left. Due to a misunderstanding of our heritage and our Constitution our courts have interpreted a principle of separation of church and state to mean anything government touches must be secular. The government is to have nothing to do with us, and we are to have nothing to do with it. We are to keep our opinions about alternative lifestyle or abortion we to ourselves. Many of us have no desire to be politicians or to control government, but we witness daily the destruction secularism has brought to families, we think he have a healthy redemptive message that...