
Showing posts from December, 2011

Can People of Faith be Comfortable with Newt Gingrich

People of faith can be comfortable with Newt Gingrich for President. Evangelicals are people of principle, rightly so, as people whose world view is based on the scripture we are seeking a candidate for President who will help to rebuild the country's Judaeo-Chritian heritage. There is a movement to marginalize the influence of the church. In a post modern world many Christians have become the pariah' of the media and the left. Due to a misunderstanding of our heritage and our Constitution our courts have interpreted a principle of separation of church and state to mean anything government touches must be secular. The government is to have nothing to do with us, and we are to have nothing to do with it. We are to keep our opinions about alternative lifestyle or abortion we to ourselves. Many of us have no desire to be politicians or to control government, but we witness daily the destruction secularism has brought to families, we think he have a healthy redemptive message that...

Gingrich view of the Judiciary is Constitutionally Balanced

Former Speaker of the House and Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is getting criticism from lawyers over his views of judicial accountability, specifically his call to subpoena justices before Congress who abuse their authority. Some are arguing that this is an imbalance of power. Gingrich, ever the historian, understands that the Court has become unaccountable. He is merely trying to rebuild a government based on separation of powers. The current debate centers over what the founding fathers intended: did they intend for the Judiciary to be the final say in our government? I have been taught that through the secular liberal American education system that our government consists of three branches the legislative, which writes, the law, the executive, which enforces the law and the judiciary which interprets it. Further the judiciary is appointed by the executive, so the argument goes, and confirmed, by the legislative branch for life terms so they can be "non-politi...

My Electoral Last Laugh

Four years ago before there was an Iowa caucus I was openly laughed at by friends at work when I predicted the Republican ticket would be Mc Cain/Palin. This was before Palin had even been considered by Mc Cain. Well it is time for another laughable prediction we will see who gets the last laugh. I believe the Republican nominee will be Newt Gingrich. Historically defeating an incumbent President is difficult. Since Civil War of the incumbent Presidents who have been defeated only two-- Rutherford B. Hayes, and Herbert Hoover-- have been defeated out right. The others -- Taft, Carter, Ford, Bush-- all faced opposition either from within their own party or a viable third party candidate. The Bully Pulpit and constant news cycle surrounding the White House give the President a formidable advantage. Barak Obama is vulnerable though because of a terrible record. It will take a certain kind of person to defeat him. It must be more than someone who can point out his failures. It must be some...