Only Kool-Aid Drinkers Believe in a 50% Divorve Rate
Those who died in the People's Temple Cult in Guyana a few years ago drank poison kool-aid because Jones tole them a reality that wasn't true. Many who teach about the family today have drank a poison potion because they have believe what the media has told them about the state of American marriage. If I here another person whine about the state of traditional marriage in America or that we need to adopt new styles of marriages or try to make those people in traditional marriages feel guilty about their marital difficulties by claiming the divorce rate is 50% and the home is in crisis I am going to do something rash. I wrote my doctoral project on divorce recovery and my research establish that traditional marriage are more popular and stronger than ever. Here is an excerpt: Many people both inside and outside the Christian community are predicting the demise of the family. In Hollywood vs. America, Michael Medved, a movie critic, demonstrates that over the last 25 years m...