
Showing posts from November, 2014

Samson's Jawbone: Congress Must Act to Stop Obama's Tyranny

Samson's Jawbone: Congress Must Act to Stop Obama's Tyranny : Last Night President Barak Obama showed his contempt for the US Constitution and for the people. He issued an Executive Order granting amnes...

Congress Must Act to Stop Obama's Tyranny

Last Night President Barak Obama showed his contempt for the US Constitution and for the people. He issued an Executive Order granting amnesty to over 3 million illegal aliens in the US. Is this the promised fundamental transformation of America that the voters who elected him wanted? Is this the hope and change he promised? It may be! There was another man elected by a Democratic country who promised to fundamentally transform his troubled nation, who after he elected took it upon himself to subvert the legislature and do what he wanted: Adolf Hitler. In the case of Hitler the German public got exactly what they voted for. In the case of Barak Obama the American people have gotten exactly what they voted for. America has been fundamentally transformed. This executive order subverts the legislative process, and is  a serious  threat  to the Constitution as was Hitler's burning down legislative assembly hall, or Henry the VIII's decree that "Parliament must do, what I sa...

Samson's Jawbone: Muslim's Praying in the National Cathedral is Taki...

 Franklin Graham is right. Last Friday was truly a sad day for America Samson's Jawbone: Muslim's Praying in the National Cathedral is Taki... : America is an exceptional nation. We are exceptional because while some people have more obstacles in their journey than others, any Americ...

Muslim's Praying in the National Cathedral is Taking Tolerance Too Far.

America is an exceptional nation. We are exceptional because while some people have more obstacles in their journey than others, any American who gets an education and works diligently has an opportunity to improve their lot in life. Further we are the only nation who has increased our influence in the world without consolidating our power and conquering territories and peoples. We have used our power to liberate other nations and peoples. We have had many great days in America and many sad ones. But last Friday, November 7, 2014 was one of the saddest days in American history. It was a sad day indeed when Muslim Prayers were held in the National Cathedral . The national cathedral is the prominent Christian center in America. Many prominent Americans including President Woodrow Wilson are buried there. It represents the Christian heritage and values of our nation. While far from being a theocracy or wholly Christian, there is no doubt that the Christian faith has had a strong infl...

Samson's Jawbone: Hoisted on Their Own Petard is Here

Samson's Jawbone: Hoisted on Their Own Petard is Here : Those of you who think my post of two weeks ago warning that the time was coming when clergy who sign state sanction marriage certificates w...

The Fuss About Gay Marriage is about the Children

Country and western singing icon and outspoken Christian Cary Underwood was recently criticized in on-line posts for her support of gay marriage. In an interview she said "any two people who love each other ought to be able to get married." While I disagree with Miss Underwood, I can appreciate how she comes to her conclusion. The church has neglected to teach a biblical view of human sexuality and marriage, and many millennial Christians would say much the same thing if asked. One of the reasons the courts have opened the way for gay marriage is that the Christian church has failed to model or to teach biblical marriage.  Some churches have even asserted that loving people the way Christ loves requires that we open the way for gays to marry. The Roman Catholic Church is considering a more open position on homosexuality. Miss Underwood's statement reveals a  misunderstanding of  the role of love and romance in marriage. The church needs to distinguish between Christi...