In Response to Nate Pyle's Article by David L. Miner Recently, I read an article concerning some implications of the social protest waged by Colin Kaepernick at a professional football game, written by Nate Pyle. You can review the article by clicking here: I have read the article several times to assure as much as I can that I understand the intent of the article. And I believe the intent is clear and honorable. Pyle is concerned with people worshiping America – either the Constitutional Republic it was created to be or the Socialistic Democracy it has become. This worship must never occur. America is a nation made up of people and, while everyone worships or holds reverent something or someone, only a small portion of its people worship the God of the Bible. Pyle is also concerned that America is, or has become, a nation infused with a systemic racial prejudice that needs to be addressed. And he sees Koeperni...