
Showing posts from September, 2016

Samson's Jawbone: How Colin Kaepernik and the NFL Disparage America

C Samson's Jawbone: How Colin Kaepernik and the NFL Disparage America : Colin Kapernik and several other NFL players have declined to participate in a variety of salutes to the country ahead of televised NFL g...

How Colin Kaepernik and the NFL Disparage America

Colin Kapernik and several other NFL players have declined to participate in a variety of salutes to the country ahead of televised NFL games, claiming they are doing so in protest to our country's systemic oppression of Black Americans. Some principally African Americans point to recent police shootings of back males to justify their actions. The facts do not support the premise of the protest. When the NFL allows these protest to go forward they endorse a specious cause. Some will argue that the NFL is unable to limit the free expression of its players, in fact, the NFL frequently censors its players when they express an opinion contrary to the leagues preferred narrative. Less than a month ago the league prohibited players on the Dallas Cowboys from wearing stickers on their helmets in memorial of the six officers slain there last July. The league claimed stickers on player helmets was an equipment violation. The league prohibits players from prompting  personal causes...

Samson's Jawbone: InResponse to Nate Pyle's ArticlebyDavid L. Miner...

Samson's Jawbone: InResponse to Nate Pyle's Article byDavid L. Miner... : In Response to Nate Pyle's Article by David L. Miner Recently, I read an article concerning some implications of the ...
In Response to Nate Pyle's Article by David L. Miner Recently, I read an article concerning some implications of the social protest waged by Colin Kaepernick at a professional football game, written by Nate Pyle. You can review the article by clicking here: I have read the article several times to assure as much as I can that I understand the intent of the article. And I believe the intent is clear and honorable. Pyle is concerned with people worshiping America – either the Constitutional Republic it was created to be or the Socialistic Democracy it has become. This worship must never occur. America is a nation made up of people and, while everyone worships or holds reverent something or someone, only a small portion of its people worship the God of the Bible. Pyle is also concerned that America is, or has become, a nation infused with a systemic racial prejudice that needs to be addressed. And he sees Koeperni...

If Not Anarchy, Then What?

If Not Anarchy, Then What ? By David L. Miner In the last essay, we discussed anarchy. Many government and media sources have told America so many times that the Right-Wing Extremists hate the government and want to destroy it. They have declared from their electronic pulpits that these so-called extremists want nothing more than to disrupt the government to the extent that America would be forced to retreat back to the Dark Ages. This is just so much horsefeathers ! As we saw in that last essay, anarchy is actually produced when the government creates so many laws unnaturally restricting the inherent and God-given rights of the people that they quite simply choose to not obey those laws. Most Americans cheat on their income taxes, break the speed limits and in general ignore those laws seen as petty, confusing or just not right. It is this disobedience on the part of the typical person of so many laws created just to control the people that is the beginning of anarc...