Have you noticed that ever since Reagan said to Carter "there you go again," the Presidential debates have been either innocuous or controlled to advance a liberal agenda? Until Candy Crowley moderated the Ryan/ Biden Vice Presidential debate and interrupted Congressman Ryan 176 times, making her own political assertions, it was done through loaded questions and subtle suggestions. Now a moderator is extolled for their “Candy Crowley moments.” They are supposed to "fact check," which is a euphemism for measuring what a candidate says against the approved media narrative. Fact checking seldom involves an examination of official records, or peer reviewed sources but a google search for pseudo -commentary to make the moderator seem credible. Who chooses these moderators? Who makes the rules? Why do we call them debates? Are they? Are there two sides of an argument allowed? What do we really learn from these debates? These debates are usually opened by a "h...