
Showing posts from March, 2017

Samson's Jawbone: Ryancare's Defeat A Definite Win for Trump: Estab...

No better outcome for Trump then the defeat of AHCA. He is now driving the train.  Samson's Jawbone: Ryancare's Defeat A Definite Win for Trump: Estab... : Many of my friends and family sent me frustrated and even panicked messages Friday after Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the American Health Care A...

Ryancare Defeat A Definite Win for Trump: Establishment Hoisted on Their Own Petard

Many of my friends and family sent me frustrated and even panicked messages Friday after Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the American Health Care Act without a vote. Many people thought it was over Trump had lost; Trump had been defeated. I had gone to bed Thursday night feeling the same way, but as I slept on it, I awakened Friday with a certainty that the American Health Care Act would die. I am not the profit or the son of a profit, just a student of American history and usually a pretty good judge of where the political winds are blowing.  When I heard in the afternoon that the bill had been pulled from the floor I had one of those moments: Trump was not the loser at all in this; he is the winner. Once again Trump has defeated the establishment and they are at a loss to explain what happened. Not to worry: Trump is the winner in Friday's  American Health Care Act failure. Both the Conservative and establishment factions of the Republican Party did everything they could to st...

Samson's Jawbone: Your Moral World View

Samson's Jawbone: Your Moral World View : by David L. Miner. -- You probably believe that God created all people equal. Yet you most likely believe in spending tax dollars to ...

Your Moral World View

by David L. Miner. -- You probably believe that God created all people equal. Yet you most likely believe in spending tax dollars to help the less fortunate in their homes, schools, college or the job market, indicating that there really are some who are less equal than others. You probably believe in free speech, yet there are some beliefs that you don’t want expressed in our schools, suggesting you believe that free speech should be limited. Most likely you subscribe to the oft-stated claim “You can’t legislate morality.” On the other hand, laws that allow or require us to treat homosexuals as “normal,” which are inescapably and clearly based on some sort of morality, probably have your support. Even those who believe in the right to defend themselves against violence are often uncomfortable with the thought that the person sitting next to them in a restaurant or standing next to them in a line is carrying a concealed weapon. There are all sorts of inconsistencies in your...