by David L. Miner. -- You probably believe that God created all people equal. Yet you most likely believe in spending tax dollars to help the less fortunate in their homes, schools, college or the job market, indicating that there really are some who are less equal than others. You probably believe in free speech, yet there are some beliefs that you don’t want expressed in our schools, suggesting you believe that free speech should be limited. Most likely you subscribe to the oft-stated claim “You can’t legislate morality.” On the other hand, laws that allow or require us to treat homosexuals as “normal,” which are inescapably and clearly based on some sort of morality, probably have your support. Even those who believe in the right to defend themselves against violence are often uncomfortable with the thought that the person sitting next to them in a restaurant or standing next to them in a line is carrying a concealed weapon. There are all sorts of inconsistencies in your...