
Showing posts from December, 2017

Why I Won't Be Watching Football At Christmas

Glenn A. Griffis -- I am thankful for that my parents put little value in their children's athletic development. I, too, am glad that while my wife and I put a greater emphasis on our children's athletic development than my parents did, it was never a priority in our children's lives. Yet all my life I have been told by educators and parenting experts that, "Athletics build character." Does it? Does our cultural experience with athletics support that premise? I submit that once people start getting serious about athletics, usually in High School, that there is no necessary connection between character development and athletics. As a matter of fact, I believe most athletic departments are motivated by popular social trends rather than by virtue. What athletics supports is people who conform to the popular social opinion. These thoughts in no way seek to disparage, athletes or athletics. I enjoy watching a good game or playing a good game as much as anybody, and...

Samson's Jawbone: Why I Won't Be Watching Football At Christmas

Samson's Jawbone: Why I Want Be Watching Football At Christmas : Glenn A. Griffis -- I am thankful for that my parents put little value in their children's athletic development. I, too, am glad that...

Samson's Jawbone: Evolutions Dirty Little Seecret

Samson's Jawbone: Evolutions Dirty Little Seecret : by David L. Miner  --    I think it is time you examined what you really believe. Let’s try an issue. Suppose you believe in evo...

Evolutions Dirty Little Seecret

by David L. Miner  --    I think it is time you examined what you really believe. Let’s try an issue. Suppose you believe in evolution. After all, don’t the educational institutions of this Great Nation claim that evolution is a fact and that any belief to the contrary is merely a religious superstition? (By the way, even the educational talking heads spewing that belief from an overdose of damaged gray cells aren’t being real and honest about it. You’ll see that this is true shortly.) In fact, evolution is such a powerful and ubiquitous religious dogma in the educational arena that teachers are currently being censured and professors are being denied tenure if they are not ardent public supporters of evolution. How is that for inviting open thought and academic freedom? And you were so naive' as to think educators were open-minded… So, you believe evolution is a fact. According to Charles Darwin and all of the prophets of this humanist religio...