
Showing posts from March, 2008

A Small Town Protest

Yesterday my fellow employees wondered aloud why I did not rush to the window to view the anti-war protest outside our building. We share a building with the local military recruiting office and are less than two blocks from a university campus. So the first reason I did not rush to the window was that I understood why we were targeted. However, when I heard the protester were marching down the middle of the street and stopping traffic on our town's main thoroughfare, curiosity got the best of me. I went over and looked out the window. Frankly, what I found surprising was how small the group was. I was in college in the 70's, attending a large state university. I remember when Vietnam war protesters filled our campus quad. I remember every entrance to the University being lined with protesters. To many this demonstration seemed woefully puny. There really were not very many people rallying to their cause and the only thing that brought out the police was that they were block...

Why Should Elliot Spitzer Resign?

I am writing this to defend my govenor, Elliot Spitzer. I am not a democrat, but Spitzer is the duly elected governor of the state, and I must admit I am shocked at the events of late. I am not shocked by his behavior. I am shocked by those who are shocked by his behavior. After all he is merely doing what he was elected to do. He is continuing to build the legacy of the democratic party. Democrats are often sanctimonious and quick to point out every foible of Republicans; unfortunately many are so narcissistic that they believe once elected the rules only apply to Republicans. How can I make such an audacious claim? Can you say Mary Jo Kopeckne, or Adam Clayton Powell? Ever heard of The Keeting Six? What about Paula Jones, Jenniffer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willie, or Monica Lewinskey? What about thousands of dollars in refrigerators? Yes I know we Republicans have our black sheep. Our Top Gun, Duke Cunningham, is in a federal prison. But what Republican can get away wi...

What Huckabee Hath Wrought

I found Mike Huckabee's concession revealing. It revealed a lot about his political agenda. After he announced that he was leaving the campaign I couldn't help but ask, why now? Wasn't it certain a month before when Romney dropped out that Mc Cain was the nominee? The reason he gave for staying in then made his more recent departure seem disengenous. Do you remember what he said? His reason for not dropping out was that it would make the votes of his supporters seem wasted. Did it make them any less so a month later? So I began to think of possible reasons for dropping out when he did: Was it money? He had never had money behind him. Only the influence of primarily Bible-belt evangelicalism had propelled him to prominence. Had that influence waned win Mc Cain won? Hardly, most evangelicals despise Mc Cain. James Dobson had announced he would "never vote" for him. And he had announced Fred Thompson was a "non-Christian." One cannot imagine them ...