Tea-partiers Understand Wealth Distribution better than Wall Street Protestors
Does it strike you at all strange that those who excoriated the Tea Party movement are embracing the Wall Street protestors, while comparing them to each other? Rest assured there is no comparison between the movements: There is no comparison in the reaction of one group to the other. Many of those who embrace the wall street Protestors question the motivation and patriotism and values of the Tea Party. While the Tea-partiers and their ilk recognize and advocate public protest and the right to peacefully assembly. It is as American as "apple pie and fourth of July." Some even are in jobs that defend and protect those rights, such as people in the Armed Forces. They make no attempt to deny the protestors their right to protest or stage alternate protests as liberal groups do. There is no comparison between the events themselves. Tea-partiers are known for getting permits keeping rally areas clean, supporting businesses and people's life style in the area. Whereas the Wall...