Only a New Political Second Party Can Recover America
The nomination and subsequent defeat of Mitt Romney revealed clearly why the Republican Party must go. Please do not misunderstand me Mitt Romney is a magnanimous and patriotic man, who would have made a great President. During the Republican nomination process Mitt was declared as "the only electable candidate." It was the same thing said about Mc Cain in 2008, who lost, Bush in 2000, who won by less than 1000 votes, Dole before him who lost. The philosophy which has lead to narrow victories and losses is that moderates are the most likely winners of elections and they win by appealing to moderates. Yet one would think the results of the last few elections would lead one to question the premises upon which they had been built, since they have only resulted in failures or narrow victories. The reason these premises have remained unquestioned for so many years is fear. The country has rejected the Republican message. And the Republican leadership does not understand the natu...